Leo's squeaky voice

Anyone else catch Leos voice crack in the very beginning when they were being attacked by those savages? Ruined the whole damn film, couldn't take him seriously after that.

Definitely not Oscar worthy.


I didn't necessarily catch the squeakiness. Not bc it wasn't there, I'm sure it was. Only bc it's there in all of his movies, so you should be used to and expecting it. It shouldn't have been that distracting since he only said about 10 lines, and those were whispered.
I think it was the constant crawling that wore thin on me.
Seriously, an Oscar for *beep* crawling and gritting your teeth???


In REAL life, Hugh Glass DID crawl back into civilization, hence why they portrayed it in the movie. And I would think that if you were attacked by a giant grizzly, you'd do your fair share of gritting your teeth, along with screaming, hard breathing, crying, sobbing, and basically losing your sanity from the pain.


Agree completely. I think the film, along with Leo's performance in particular, was very authentic and true to life. I just don't think it translated very well into a movie.


Exactly. You tell 'em, sister.


Yes! The one voice crack is heard when he yells, "Get to the boat, son!" upon the Arikara (Rees) attack.

It gave me a chuckle, as it reminded me of his younger work in Titanic and What's Eating Gilbert Grape.

I initially found it amusing that the director chose to keep it, but then it quickly got me thinking...it DOES sound truly emotional and how his voice would probably crack under extreme stress in real-life.

So it didn't bother me to the extent it did for you - ruining the "whole damn film."  You're a tough customer.

"Don't get chumpatized!" - The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters (2007)


He did it in Django Unchained too. "What's it gonna be doc! What's it gonna be?!"
I wouldn't go so far as to say I can't take him seriously. It just happens sometimes, no matter how old the man is. Gosling did it in The Place Beyond The Pines, but it was obviously intentional for the character.
