
Besides the fact that this film is very unrealistic, it's a good film. But most people i've talked to say they loved it beacause it's so realistic... How? A guy was mauled by a bear at 50 degrees below zero, was half-assed sewn together after losing massive amounts of blood... And lives...
Realistic huh? One moment he can't move a finger in his body, the next he can suddenly crawl for miles? Just so there can be a plot, no other logical reason.
That amount of injury would kill or incapacitate a person, even if you lived right next to hospital in the year 2016. The fact that he's fighting, hunting and climbing the next few days is completely unrealistic. Period.


Suspension of disbelief. That being said, it is a masterpiece.


More Logical Consistency = Less Suspension of Disbelief = Greatness (Masterpiece)

Less Logical Consistency = More Suspension of Disbelief = Bad – Mediocre (Not a Masterpiece)


Then, it is a masterpiece.


Could be above average if they rewrote the second half

my vote history:


Yes. There are a few moments when the suspension of disbelief fails, but to me they don't really matter in this movie. It's too visually stunning to complain.


"suspension of disbelief" umm, no, not for me, he would have experienced hypothermia after going down the river. Plus the indians would've caught up to him. Are we to believe that they saw him go down river and thought "oh well we can't get him now" they would've been there when he got out, frozen stiff as he would've been.

That and a dozen other "disbeliefs" too much, not a great film.

My Top 50 Films http://www.imdb.com/list/ls033211402/


The movie is based on a true story of Hugh Grant who actually did survived the attack.



It’s loosely based on a true story. And real events can easily morph into a fictional story because of lies, mistakes, embellishments, and different interpretations.


Hugh Glass


How? A guy was mauled by a bear at 50 degrees below zero, was half-assed sewn together after losing massive amounts of blood... And lives...
Realistic huh? One moment he can't move a finger in his body, the next he can suddenly crawl for miles? Just so there can be a plot, no other logical reason.

I love how he criticizes the part of the story that is actually true, but says nothing of all the stuff that was made up, like diving into freezing rivers, falling off a cliff, battling natives, getting revenge on the guy who left him, etc.


Only one problem mate, It's not true, the story of Hugh Glass was written by an fiction writer called James Hall. It never happened, or at least there is no evidence or fact backing any of this up. It's just a story that spread around at the time and was most likely all made up.


Except that James Hall was not a fiction writer, he was a judge and local historian. Though Hugh Glass himself never wrote a first hand account of his story, Hall got the story from letters he received from other members of the expedition, some of whom later discussed it in their own memoirs.


Why don't you STFU, you F-CKING TROLL?

Why are you here if you haven't seen the movie yet?


this thread is making my head spin


It's real. You don't know who Jim Bridger is? He's the young guy in the movie. He followed in Glass's footsteps to become a legendary guide.


I read that the famous -- and real -- Jim Bridger was illiterate. Probably others of these expeditions were, too. And even if they weren't, it probably would have been burdensome for them to carry journals around, the way Lewis and Clark did. So relying on oral histories is not surprising. I don't have any documentation of how my ancestors made it from the east coast to the Midwest, and then to the West, but they did, because there are government records from the early 1900s onward that prove it.


Was this before or after his affairs with prostitutes?


I am on the road less traveled...


I could believe most of it, but when Glass rode his horse off of a 200 foot cliff and the horse got splattered but he was okay, that was when I literally said to myself "Oh come on!" But Glass was the hero of the story so of course he has to survive.


Yeah, that was one of the many *beep* scenes in the movie.


Well, what the heck!? You wanted Glass to die and the horse to go on and get revenge on Fitzgerald?


Well, what the heck!? You wanted Glass to die and the horse to go on and get revenge on Fitzgerald?

That would be an amusing scene. We see Fitzgerald walking home from the bar, counting his money when he's confronted by a pissed-off looking horse.

Horse: Nay!

Fitzgerald: What the *bleep* is your problem, you stupid horse?

Horse: Nay, Nay, Nay, NAY! [You left Glass to DIE!]

And the horse proceeds to kick his butt.

Not very realistic, maybe, but no harder to believe than what happened in the movie.


Does horse ... Sh!t?

my vote history:


I just saw that scene again. It looked like Glass initially landed in the tree, but the horse fell straight to the ground.


Yes Glass did land in the tree and bumped on the bransches down...sure he should be more injured than he was but it isnt impossible to survive a thing like that and the horse fell just left of the tree...so even if the chances are small that he would make a fall through the tree, its not impossible so yes...you trolls should *beep* off and see the movie again cause you clearly doesnt have the brain to understand what is happening in most scenes...some say its a dream sequense after that he is burried alive and that it never happend, not in the book but it could be how the movie is about to be interpreted.

~If the realistic details fails, the movie fails~


It is a masterpiece.


It is a masterpiece.

Why do you keep repeating yourself like an idiot?



It's a true story


Being very loosely based on true events and being a true story are two completely different things.


This can help break it down for ya:



disagree, its one of the most realistic films i have ever seen.
