MovieChat Forums > The Revenant (2016) Discussion > The most shocking/gruesome scene?

The most shocking/gruesome scene?

To me, it has to be that one where DiCaprio's character disembows that horse and then gets inside it to protect himself from the cold. I think it was a lot more gory/shocking than the bear scene at the beginning.

What was your most shocking/gory/gruesome scene of this movie?


While the bear scene and the opening scene are the easiest ones to mention, I think the final one-on-one fight between Fitzgerald and Glass had a serious brutality to it that had me cringing.

That being said, the part where Glass codorized his throat is pretty gnarly.





I think the scene just as he emerges from the horse and the camera pans up and shows the scene from above. The horse is half buried and Glass is stumbling out into the snow. Everywhere is white and pristine but the centre of the screen is this mass of blood and brutality. It was just a really striking scene I think.


For me still, the bear scene. Wild, protective, brutal, up close & personal and completely without hope. Glass knew he was going to die, but as we humans do, kept fighting anyway. While the others examined his injuries afterwards the raggedness & depth of the wounds were pretty gory. Also after taking a drink of water & it spewing blood & water out of his throat, when he had to burn off the open wound in his neck, I felt.

I didn't see the horse scene as shocking/gruesome because we would all do the same to stay alive. I could 'smell' the innards during though. It Was a great scene.

I didn't see the scene with Fitz & Glass' brutal fight 'tough to take' because I've become hardened to the damage men can do to one another in movies and on tv, even though Fitz did skin/scalp the commander.

But, as a woman, I found the rape scene of Pawaqa by the French Lt. to be the most disturbing. She did right by saying she would, then cutting his nards off. The blood running down his legs was very satisfying to see.

***Ignorance isn't bliss. Ignorance is laziness. So stop being so lazy!***


For me it was the bear scene... the way he was hurt again and again and you just kept thinking "oh my god, there is no way someone can survive that". If a scene so early into the movie actually manages to make you doubt whether the main character is gonna live it was clearly done brilliantly.

The only other scene that I found almost equally shocking was when Fitzgerald and the boy were about to abandon Glass and Fitzgerald pulls the blanket away and drags the wounded Glass into the grave he dug. I actually winced and screamed out loud at the TV because I was thinking about how all those wounds were being ripped open again from the strain. And to imagine someone could be as cold and cruel as that...
