For me still, the bear scene. Wild, protective, brutal, up close & personal and completely without hope. Glass knew he was going to die, but as we humans do, kept fighting anyway. While the others examined his injuries afterwards the raggedness & depth of the wounds were pretty gory. Also after taking a drink of water & it spewing blood & water out of his throat, when he had to burn off the open wound in his neck, I felt.
I didn't see the horse scene as shocking/gruesome because we would all do the same to stay alive. I could 'smell' the innards during though. It Was a great scene.
I didn't see the scene with Fitz & Glass' brutal fight 'tough to take' because I've become hardened to the damage men can do to one another in movies and on tv, even though Fitz did skin/scalp the commander.
But, as a woman, I found the rape scene of Pawaqa by the French Lt. to be the most disturbing. She did right by saying she would, then cutting his nards off. The blood running down his legs was very satisfying to see.
***Ignorance isn't bliss. Ignorance is laziness. So stop being so lazy!***