MovieChat Forums > The Revenant (2016) Discussion > The lack of cuts is very pleasing

The lack of cuts is very pleasing

The shot when the party leaves the boat and is keeping away the pelts is almost 3 minutes long. Fitzgerald keeps complaining about leaving the boat and losing the pelts. Its amazing artistry.
The impeccable cinematography and lack of cuts in such scenes is really pleasing. Especially when most of today's blockbusters seem to have been made by editors with an uncontrollable urge to cut and begin a new shot as quickly as possible.



One of the things I like about this movie is how they done the cinematography. Some moments in the scene doesn’t appear to have any cuts to make a transition. The film is by the same director who made Birdman where it looked like that entire movie was shot in one take.



Couldn't agree more. Lots of kiddies loan about how long and boring this film is, but i love the whole journey it takes me on.
Although a long film, it seems like only moments have passed for me.
Rarely have I enjoyed the experience so much.


I enjoy long takes in movies and was pleased to see them used in The Revenant, especially with the roaming camera following the action for long periods of time.

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Lubezki is really awesome. He did it in Children of Men, Gravity, Birdman. Really talended and probably the best cinematographer of our time.




Yes. I am glad perhaps the fad of cutting away every 7 seconds is on the way out.


The Revenant is one of the most beautiful movies I've ever seen.


I agree. I kept wanting to run the film back to watch the flow before the cuts as I love to do with Atonement and Touch of Evil. But those films just had one segment like this. The Revenant contained so much fluidity that I just floated through it.

"Victor, what are we going to do to stop this fiendish tit?"
