Was Glass's wife The Revenant? Meaning of the title...**spoilers**
I finally took the time to watch this movie over the weekend. For the most part, I really enjoyed it. I would love to see more movies filmed like this, it was beautiful and very engaging.
Sorry if this is in another thread, I looked but didn't see it.
Dictionary.com has a definition of "revenant" as "a person who returns as a spirit after death; ghost"
It's easy to say (and probably correct) that The Revenant is Leo's character, since he appears again after everyone though he was dead.
But when I finished the movie, I had the thought -- maybe the revenant, referred to by the title, is the spirit of Glass's wife, who appears to him several times throughout the movie? It seemed to me that the visions/visits from his wife's spirit/ghost/revenant were central to his motivation... they were such a prominent theme in the movie; as a matter of fact, the movie begins and ends with Glass having visions (or being visited by?) of his wife's spirit. I think that, at one or two points in the movie (for instance, when Glass falls asleep at his dead son's body), Glass actually WANTED to die, but the visits from his wife (aka the revenant) made him change his mind and cling to life a little while longer.
At the end, the movie again uses Glass's wife as "the revenant". Rather than heading back to the fort, he crawls towards her apparition, this time accepting that he can finally die and join her in the afterlife.
Just wonderin'