Lady Tremaine was too over the top
I really love this film but I personally found the stepmother to be too over the top. One thing I love about Tremaine in the animated film is how cool, calm and collected she was. She doesn't run around cackling like the Wicked Witch of the West and say "A ragged servant girl is all you will ever BE!!!!!"
I think the dress ripping scene is a good example. In the animated film she has barely a paragraph of dialogue and her daughters destroy the dress. Here they probably thought they would make her seem more evil by having her insult the dress and then rip it herself. But it makes the scene less effective and also, imo makes Tremaine less effective. The animated version shows how much power she has. She doesn't even have to lift a finger to ruin Cindy's dreams.
I enjoy Cate Blanchett as an actress. She looked gorgeous in the film and her costumes were fantastic. And she did play the part very well. But at the end of the day it felt more Cruella De Vil than Lady Tremaine.
"Notice how I ride side saddle, it proves I'm a lady of quality." Witch Hazel