MovieChat Forums > The Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012) Discussion > Did the aunt sexually molest Charlie?

Did the aunt sexually molest Charlie?

Sorry, if this is an extremely stupid question, but I fast forwarded through a lot of the film and must have missed the explicit explanation. I heard Charlie say his parents were "told" by the doctor what the aunt had done. Do I presume right?


As it was in the book, this aspect of the film is not stated outright. Aunt Helen, a troubled young woman who was abused by many men, loved Charlie but molested him when he was younger. In the book it is said that he was molested by her every weekend. In short, Aunt Helen sexually abused him.

Bond... James Bond


Sorry, if this is an extremely stupid question, but I fast forwarded through a lot of the film

Well then you really missed a lot of really well acted and moving scenes then. A shame really. I don't know how anyone can appreciate a film and its story by fast forwarding through it. Like speed reading a book, it leaves you with almost nothing to remember it by.


They missed a whole bunch of whiny *beep*


Well then you really missed a lot of really well acted and moving scenes then.

Well acted? We must have watched different movies....


This arc was pretty vague, they didn't make anything related to this explicit. Even when the doctor told the parents that the aunt was did something to Charlie, the viewer was still left filling the holes (no pun).


Because the movie is boring and comes with no surprises.


Yes she did


I don't understand the type of person who cares so little that they'll fast-forward through a movie and then still take the time to ask what they missed and wait weeks or months for the answer to come on a message board. Just watch the movie straight through and pay attention. It's an hour and a half.

"Oh, my God. Bear is driving! How can that be?!"


To be fair, it was only said in one sentence at the very end.

I thought the movie was great. I was shocked to see Charlie have a breakdown. I caught on that Aunt Helen molested him. It was not overdone. I assumed there was guilt at her death, because Charlie wished her dead, and she died. I filled in that myself, though that was not stated.


Didn't Charlie say she was his favorite person in the world? Was that just a lie, said out of guilt? Or did he just have conflicted feelings toward her? Love and anger? I found sections regarding this very confusing.

To each their own...opinion


Yes it seemed pretty plain to me the aunt was a mixed up person, with a lot of problems and issues, and was messed up herself.

I would say yes, there was probably some good, before the molestation happened. And Charlie's feelings got more confused, as I have heard happens.


Yes, I think this really added to Charlie's confusion and issues.
This was his Aunt, he loved her and she loved him.
And yet she was doing something that they both knew was wrong.
Aunt Helen was looking for someone who actually loved her to give her affection - unfortunately it was a child that was the only 'man' who gave her pure love.
She clearly was carring around plenty of her own issues.
A really sad, messed up situation all round.


You fast-forwarded through a film you haven't even seen before.
Then 'surprise-surprise' you miss parts of the plot.
Instead of just rewinding and watching the film like a normal person, you taken the time to create an entire thread for a question you should already know the answer to.


I didn't even think this film was that good, but still
If you're going to take the time to watch a film - then just watch it ffs.


Wow, a lot of you guys are straight up rude and really condescending. The movie never showed or even hinted that she abused him before the hospital scene. What is it with IMDB users and a need to be rude, condescending, know-it-all to people who ask reasonable questions? I think a lot of you black-out as well when you type the crap that you type. Please check in at a hospital. Maybe they can find a reason why you are the way you are.

Mmm, this capon taste like chicken.
Capon is chicken.


Sorry I couldnt be bothered to read more then a few words of this message here and there before I got bored/distracted. So Im coming on here and typing out a post to ask if someone could explain to me what it is this person said rather than look 2 inches above this post and actually read it.. And preferably with less words in case my phone does something awesome before you are done. And then maybe if you wouldnt mind you could spoon feed me my lunch too...

Using words to describe art is like using a screw driver to cut roast beef.


It's like it's trying to speak but fails to intelligently communicate with me.

Mmm, this capon taste like chicken.
Capon is chicken.


In a word; YES. It's subtle the way they put it across.


In all honesty you should really watch the movie all the way through, you're missing a lot of great stuff by skimming through it. But to answer your question, yes, his aunt molested him when he was a child. It doesn't just throw it out there in an obvious way, because it's a PG-13 movie and because I think that would have taken away from Charlie's relationships with his friends and the importance of being a teenager, which I feel is the main takeaway from this movie. This movie was beautifully done, and I felt so close to his character by the end. Try giving it a thorough screening, it's really worth the time.


Sorry I only skimmed through your post, didn't take the time to read the entire thing. What was your point?

I gotta go feed that thing in Room 33.


"A man chooses. A slave obeys."
