i almost love that movie but it contains too many "clichés" !
sorry for my english expression, this language is not my natural born one.
i almost love the movie.
Almost because :
as a fan of Julianne Moore, i do love that role in the movie, great performance but "too expeditive".
as a normal fan of " Ellen Page", i am not satisfy enought of her performance.
as a fan of Steve Carell, i do like his performance, very funny. (first degree and second one)
as a romance movie, it is a total failure.
as a drama movie, it is almost failure because appearance of Steve Carell characters brings comedy in the movie where there should have not be.
Steve Carell's first appearence was really a big joke that ruins the serious heart of the movie.
as a movie about "fight against the cancer", i am not really satisfy.
as a huge fan of Michael Shannon, i love a lot his little role but i remain hungry of him.
as a "community" homosexual gay or lesbian movie, it is plenty of failures, too many clichés :
- a couple of lesbian with one in a "boy look", short hair, boy hobbies : total cliché! shame for lesbian woman representation.
- a gay man in the police : total cliché too ! of course that "gay" one is handsome, like a top model... cliché, cliché again...
- the end titles song sing by a lesbian singer (at least a bisexual) is cliché...
- i am not sure, but i don't want to googling it, but Ellen Page is lesbian (or bi) isn't she ? well, why only a lesbian actress must play a lesbian character ? : cliché!
last cliché :
the message of the movie :only a "minority" person can represent or defend a question of minority to gain equality ----> this is the most important failure of the movie.
so, i almost love the movie, but i just like it, it was entertaining enough. i gave it a note 7.
have a good day, or at least a good movie moment !
ps : i am french, what is the real meaning of "freeholder" ? is it "tuteur" or "adminstrateur de pension", i don't see what in french culture , a freeholder is.