Daily Show Bump

John C. Reilly was on "The Daily Show" last night to promote some movie he's in. However, at the beginning of the interview, Jon Stewart mentioned "Dr. Brule" and they talked about the character for about 30 seconds. They didn't show a clip or mention "Check it Out!" by name, but I wonder if just mentioning "Dr. Brule" will help get more viewers. I know there are only two episodes left and I don't know how the ratings have been so far, but if his appearance on "The Daily Show" gets more viewers to come to "Check it Out!" maybe they'll do a second season. One can only hope.



John really works Brule's voice and way of speaking.


It's a shame they didn't talk about it more, I think the show is quite funny =/

And this part of the post is just my signature.
