MovieChat Forums > Safe (2012) Discussion > The Statham train's about to head into S...

The Statham train's about to head into STRAIGHT TO DVD station

Sorry I have been a fan of Statham's but this looks to be the end of the line for him as "the" leading man in films. He'll get EXPENDABLES 3 & 4 etc. or Transformers 4 and stuff where he isn't the main guy. Hell, he might even get transporter 4 to go theatrically, but this is clearly the end.

But he's made millions and is currently *beep* rosie-huntinton whitely, so I wouldn't cry for him.



Sam Worthington = Trash, Channing Tatum = Garbage, Chris Pine = okay, Shia Lebeouf = okay, Nate Parker = Excellent, Derek Luke = Excellent, Gosling = Good.


$16 million after 1 month on a film that cost $30 million + marketing, etc.

If it doesn't say EXPENDABLES, look for the next Statham film to go STV



Statham is a brand name now, like Stallone and Schwarzanegger were in the 80s, or Charles Bronson before him, an athletic tough guy who ages well who can comfortably headline what are essentially cheesy Saturday night B-movies. It's no surprise that he has remade a few Bronson titles and is now starring alongside the 80s Canon-Globus/Carolco bunch in "The Expendables". It's a niche every generation needs and he is pretty much filling it. I remember about 12 years ago people arguing over who the next Stallone/Schwarzanegger was gonna be out of Vin Diesel and "The Rock". Turns out it was Jason Statham all along! Maybe he will end up straight to DVD one day, but not yet. People go to see the latest "Jason Statham" movie knowing more or less what they will get. This one is a bit different, too dark and complicated, an Elmore Leonard-esque tale rather than the light hearted shoot them ups he normally produces, which may explain the bad takings on this particular film.

Agree on the Sam Worthington point, that guy is little more than a shop window mannequin who drains life from every film he is in. Taylor Kitsch looks promising though as the next Harrison Ford, but bad box office on his movies might stop him headlining big budget spectaculars again.
