MovieChat Forums > Safe (2012) Discussion > The guy who bumps into him at the end?

The guy who bumps into him at the end?

At the end where Luke is coming out of the bank a guy bumps into him. Did anyone see any other significance to this other than Luke check to see if he has been pick pocketed on reflection of his earlier experience with being pickpocketed?

I doubt there is more to it but it did seem an odd scene...


It means Luke is now his true self again.

When the guy bumps into him Luke reacts rudely but immediately, in pretty much a casual and lively way.

Whereas in the previous scene Luke did not respond at all, he was dead inside so he couldn't muster a single reaction or emotion when being bumped into. That's probably what allowed the guy to pick his pockets.


(belated) Thanks for your thoughts!


I was thinking that maybe he was one of the producers or something.

A boat that floats on water can also sink in it.
