MovieChat Forums > Safe (2012) Discussion > Why do people like Statham? He has the s...

Why do people like Statham? He has the subtlety of a mud brick

Why do people like Jason Statham's acting?
He is worse than Schwarzenegger was at the height of his dumbness.
He is utterly monodimensional and has about as much variation in his expressions as does paint drying on the wall.

Compare him to good quality actors: Cary Grant, Sean Connery, Peter Falk as Columbo even Rupert Everett. All of these have strong basis and communication and meaning in their acting.

What does Statham have? He acts like a football hooligan who is in a drunken stupor. About as exciting as watching a mud brick. PLS.


XD Just because of that XD... No but that movie... Worst movie I have seen in a long time.


Have you seen the old Clint Eastwood movies? A character with no expression and almost no spoken lines can work really good in these kind of movies. You have to remember that hollywood movies are aimed at 13 year old.

Sorry for the horrible english. I'm Swedish.


Well, comparing Jason to Cary Grant is very ill-judged. Just for the fun of it I might compare Miley Cyrus's acting capabilities to Marlon Brando's.

Besides, all of these Hollywood action hero guys can be lame and repetitive over time. Dolph Lundgren, Sylvester Stallone, Bruce Willis bla bla, these guys aren't exactly the best actors around, but they are entertaining to watch. Much like Statham himself.

"Stop looking at the walls, look out the window." ~ Karl Pilkington On Art


I take Jason Staham over Matthew McConaughey any day

Now is the end of days and I am the Reaper:Silent hill


You are comparing apples to oranges and oranges to watermelons and watermelons to grapefruit.

You take an era where muscle men were not on screen. It was a bunch of Peter Falk looking guys with curly hair playing cops and guys like Sean Connery playing almost perfect shape good guy where overall theme of cinema was about "the chase of other".

And then you look at the terminator... that was a completely different era where screens were filled with big men with huge muscles shooting large guns and jumping out of helicopters holding a knife and a grenade. This era was celebrated by not so many words (ie Van Damme, Stalone)

And then you have the Bruce Willis looking folks of late mid to late 90's where some average joe was put into some predicament.

In early 21st century we have the scrony looking guys like Matt Damon playing some sort of super agent capable of doing whatchamacallit.

This decade has seen shoot them up things where one guy kicking some major butt while being chased by entire universe.

Cinema is cyclical... only a matter of time till we go back to the next Columbo.

At the core Jason can barely act and all of his movies should be renamed to "Transporter #"... all of them with exception of Crank. But thing about Jason is that he filled a very interesting niche. Likes of Jet Li and Jackie Chan and Vandamme and Chuck Norris and whomever else that used their bodies to unleash carnage... are all but retired or moving on to other things. In reality nobody is doing the butt kicking anymore. Nowadays movies are about stuff being blown up and people shooting each other. At least until things change Jason fills that void. And his movies are either mostly carbon copies of his other movies or something comical (ie Crank). Whatever the case... you should not be comparing him to actor actors... because they are not even in the same league and are mutually exclusive.


Ridiculous comparison. You're trying to compare totally different genres. It's like comparing Charlie Chaplin to Bruce Lee.

"I'm not so sure this is, structurally speaking, such a good time for your, uh, buddies to drop in."


I like Jason Statham PRECISELY for the reason you've stated! I don't always want to watch great acting. Sometimes I just want to disengage my brain and watch something silly like this.
