MovieChat Forums > The Age of Adaline (2015) Discussion > Things I learned from watching The Age o...

Things I learned from watching The Age of Adaline...

1. It's possible for non-lethal levels of electric energy to fundamentally alter every gene in your body, and later restore them to normal when reapplied.
2. People who don't seem to age heighten their chances of long-term survival by driving like dangerous maniacs while engaged in casual conversation.
3. Most ordinary comets have orbits that are somehow mathematically inconsistent with all known physics.
4. Non-starting cars with perfectly functioning starter motors and batteries will start if pushed down a hill.
5. Pet dogs are fine cooped up indoors for days without anyone walking or feeding them.
6. Love for one's pet is inversely proportionally to how much time one spends taking care of them.
7. Those given all the time in the world spend the lion's share of it carefully coiffing their hair dozens of different ways.
8. 100 years ago Americans spoke rather like native born Germans faking an American accent badly.
9. Those who become immortal in their 20s remain at that irritating intellectual / emotional / social age.
10. Every 10 years or so those who may never die employ an unknown risky third party to generate new IDs for them. They learn some languages instead of learning how to do this essential skill themselves (the immortal don't do nerdy skut work).



15. If your driver's licence says you're 45, and you look 29, people will contact the FBI.

(seriously? I'm older and still get carded)


I'm 32 and I look about 20. No one has contacted the FBI about my curious non-aging face.. XD


Size of your ring finger please?)


?#. That you wouldn't possibly be thought of as weird when you dress like you're from 1908 for 10 years. There's retro, and then there's something that just looks off. No one is going to think twice of the blonde bombshell who looks 29 for 10 years. Or you know, that she dresses like she's stuck in the 1900's, or that her apartment looks as if it's from the 1908's.


Anyone saw Jack or Big or The Curious Case of Bejamin Button, or 13 going on 30?

I just downloaded from Amazon Adeline, finsihed it and am watching my DVD of Benjamin Button (man growing younger, a la Jack). Saw both of those, and Adeline, in theatres (Adeline, if I am correct is Blake Lively's FIRST starring role, and the current out "Shallows" is her second.)

All comments=my own opinion not reflecting my voluptous pinup profile girl, Courtney Thorne-Smith


Some funny stuff, but...

Incorrect with #4. Manual transmission cars can start when popping the clutch, regardless of starter or battery life. In fact, back in college, when my classic manual car was not recharging the battery (failed alternator), I'd coast down my street a bit, pop the clutch...and happily be on my way.

However, until I got a new alternator (or starter another time), I had to make certain that I parked in an area with clear downslope....for the repetitious procedure! If I was in a flat area with friends, they'd push while running beside the car to hop inside. It always made us laugh. :D

Manual cars are generally much easier to rig and service. That's why certain foreign countries, like Mexico, mainly rent manuals to tourists (best price too).

"Don't get chumpatized!" - The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters (2007)


16. That the narrator in this movie is a time traveler and , thanks to him, Von Leman will now be the most sought after person (for his/her principle of electron compression in DNA) on the face of this Earth.

Eram quod es, eris quod sum


17, It’s smart to sleep with someone after the first date

18. It’s ok for a guy to tell you he loves you when he doesn’t know anything about you

19. It makes sense to go to England if you want to study French

20. Norwegian braille is hard to read

21. 30 year olds get gray hairs

22. There are many hidden places to go on first dates in San Francisco

23. A 108 year old person will know all the answers in trivial pursuit


24. Old warehouses with cars that were "indoor/outdoor" movie theaters will remain as they were in the 1930s albeit empty and decaying because real estate is not prime in San Francisco!


25. Apparently some dresses don't age either.
