I think this kind of sanitizes Monroe...
...which isn't all that dramatic.
I love Mornoe as an artist and her life story is certainly interesting, but this film seems to present a pretty idealized vision of her. On the director's commentary track, he said they cut a scene where the English crew (who despised her) left the presents she gave them at the end of filming behind, because "that would have been too cruel" to show. Well.....so what?
I certainly have sympathy for Monroe and there are events that explained her behavior, but I think her behavior was a lot worse and unprofessional on this film than what's shown here. It would have been so much more interesting to actually get into all that.
I think one thing that explains her erratic behavior is by this point, she'd been on pills for over 10 years....and those drugs start to errode your brain and perception over long-term use. She was a drinker, too...but I imagine the drugs did more damage.