MovieChat Forums > My Week with Marilyn (2011) Discussion > Michelle Williams nailed it. Beautiful p...

Michelle Williams nailed it. Beautiful performance.

I thought the film was perfectly crafted. Michelle Williams captures the essence of Marilyn Monroe. This was by far the best portrayal of Marilyn to date. I enjoyed the film very much. Also, the soundtrack is beautiful.

"Go on talking about Bill Carson." - Angel Eyes


I agree the whole cast of this film brought it to a higher level for me. Not only were the stars in the leading roles; Michelle Williams, Kenneth Branagh and Judi Dench great but also the other lesser known actors all at the top of their game.
I really loved Zoe Wannamaker as Paula Strasberg she really captured her and Domenic Cooper as Milton Greene. They both had great chemistry with Michelle as MM and made the whole thing more believable. Eddie Redmayne gets a lot of criticism on this page but he really looks like the real Collin Clark and he was also very real and natural in the part. You get a sense that they really had fun making this movie.
Great acting makes this movie a ‘must-see’ for any true movie –buff!


I think the haters are just mad Michelle is much more talented and attractive (though not THE most talented by far) than Monroe ever even hoped to be, and it kills them anytime someone is superior in any way to their goddess. They should grateful such a good actor was chosen to play such a poor one. Who else could have done as well? My vote was for Drew Barrymore but she might be too old.

and are people seriously criticizing Eddie Redmayne?! well, if they are, that pretty much confirms (even more so) that ,Monroe fans have no idea what talent is.

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