Am I the only one?

Who hated Michelle in this? As soon as i saw she was it in I was like oh god no why...I just saw it and i still feel the same way. Not only did she kind of suck as Marilyn she didn't look anything like her. Of course shes not going to look just like here, no one does. But still just there was something about her that was sooo bad for this part. But it kind of ruined it for me. Other wise it was a good movie.


Rest assured, you're not the only one, and I am glad to see I am not either! ;)

I loathed her performance! I couldnt finish watching the movie as every of her scene made me cringe!

Painfully bland!



Oh I'm so glad. I know i wanted to stop watching but i love Marilyn too much and since it's a movie about her i couldn't stop. But I cringed as well watching her. I would really like to know what on earth made them choose her..



NNNNNNNNOOoooooooooooOOOOoooo! pls no!
then i would seriously have to review my judgement values :s


I'm half way through viewing this movie and I have to say.............she is completely wrong for this part. There wasn't a moment where I could forget it's an actress and believed it was MM. There are times when an actor looks nothing like their character, but if the acting is good, it can be believable. On the other hand, there are times when the actor looks identical to their character, so even though not the best acting job, it is still somewhat believable.
Michelle Williams was none of these. I have to say after reading some of the reviews and her Oscar nomination I thought I might like the film.
It sucks. I thought it was like watching Dawsons Creek doing a MM impersonation.


I think that the fanatical whingers wouldn't settle for anyone bar the resurrected Marilyn. It's not that Michelle Williams was bad or inappropriate for the role, it's that your reactions are merely that of some kind of fanboy/girl, where nobody would satisfy your idol worship bar the original.

BTW, I just watched this yesterday, didn't think I'd like it (never cared for Marilyn), but ended up liking it, which to me is a good thing. William's and Branagh's performances were great in this and made the film. Maybe it's just not a Marilyn fan's film, but I doubt that that generalisation is watertight. Ah well, your loss.



I'm totally not a Marilyn Monroe fan, i just didn't think Michelle Williams deserves the award for this.

Nor do I think she deserves an award for this (I never said she did in my post), but that's a far cry from saying that her performance was to be hated or disliked. I'm commenting about the overreactions by some of the devotees of the cult of Marilyn and that nobody would have risen to the level of their expectations. I felt it was a good performance, not Oscar winning worthy, but certainly a good one worth the nomination.



Most overreactions came from the big hype around her. I really don't think "haters" or devotees would care that much if she weren't the critics' favorite and the probable winner.

I think a lot of this particular board begs to differ. ;)

Saying all that, my own choices for who should have won weren't nominated. Tilda Swinton and Olivia Colman, for We Need to Talk About Kevin and Tyrannosaur respectively, should have at least got nominated, if not won. If Williams's performance had of got overlooked to accommodate either of those two, I wouldn't have complained.



Savage, please don't try and tell me or other people why we think this. About me you are very wrong. Just because I love Marilyn does not mean that feel like no one can live up to the part. I find it offensive that you are passing judgement on my opinions when you do not know me. She just did not do a good job at all. They hyped her up and she failed. So before you pass judgement on someones opinions get to know the facts, or get to know them.



Savage, please don't try and tell me or other people why we think this. About me you are very wrong. Just because I love Marilyn does not mean that feel like no one can live up to the part. I find it offensive that you are passing judgement on my opinions when you do not know me.

Oh dear, it seems that I've hit a nerve, a telling point. :) Calm down, you'll have a heart attack, and I suppose I'll get the blame for it...

She just did not do a good job at all.

Yes she did, in my opinion (that's allowed, right?).

They hyped her up and she failed.

You seem hyperventilated right now yourself.

So before you pass judgement on someones opinions get to know the facts, or get to know them.

Considering the hissy fit, I'm not sure I'd really want to get to know you. Calm down, dear, you'll do yourself an injury.



Well actually that's not what i wanted to say at all. What i wanted to say was much worse. Tell me this, what do you get out of talking like that to someone over the internet? Does it make you feel tough? Smart? Better about yourself? Because i know you almost def don't do that in real life, most people who talk like that to people online don't. And yes your allowed to state your opinion as am I with out being judged. Therefor i am not going to judge you for our opinion (unlike you have, which makes you contradict your self), I just don't agree with it.


Tell me this, what do you get out of talking like that to someone over the internet?

To be honest, far less than you think. ;)

Because i know you almost def don't do that in real life, most people who talk like that to people online don't.

Well, there you go with judging people you don't know. We're not that different after all. ;)

Anyway, let's just stop this silliness (both of us) and get onto more important stuff, like... umm... being keyboard warriors on some film message board.


No judgement coming from me. I refuse to judge and argue with someone i have/will never meet. So yes this conversation is over.


I agree with you. I see what could only be compared to kereoke on a cruise ship. A poor immitation with blond hair and blue eyes being the only thing she has in common.

This is why Hollywood sucks. They recycle sag members instead of finding ACCURATE new talent. I'm sure there are dozens of other women who could of played that role better and looked like reincarnated versions of Monroe.

She got the giggling and fluttering eyes down, but other than that I don't get the nomination or compliments.


Agreed. They should of got an unknown then recycle someone we have seen who doesn't fit the part.


Then there'd be crying and whingeing on this board that the legacy of Marilyn wasn't respected with a known actress. Face it, they can't win.


You just can't quit. Ignore.


You just can't quit. Ignore.

Oh dear, another hissy fit in response to a valid point about unreal expectations. I mean, how much howling would there be if Marilyn was played by a nobody? You can imagine the amount of threads here suggesting that Marilyn was disrespected by such a decision by the makers of the film if they didn't go with a recognised actress.

Not that it really matters, because all posts by me on this thread aren't directed solely to you (oh, how vain you are to imagine otherwise), I doubt you're really ignoring me. ;)


i happen to agree with savagebiscuits and think williams did a good job no one looks like Monroe that was what was so unique about her - her looks I dont think obsessing over the role of Monroe is so important there were lots of quality actors in this film playing interesting acting talent

"If you gentlemen dont mind I'd rather not spend the rest of this Winter tied to this beep chair"!


Watching this movie I just keep thinking its Michelle Williams pretending to be Marilyn. The way she looked alone takes me out of the film. I have seen actresses who have played Marilyn who look more like her, some of them just had small roles in Kennedy movies.

Clark Kent + Lois Lane 4ever
DC Can Suck It


I thought she was lovely as Monroe.


I don't think she sucked at Marilyn.

She rised to the occasion of being Marilyn and did her character justice. However, I don't think she was as highly remarkable as many people thought (her character lacked of charisma). She was good (not bad not outstanding).

I never got the feeling that this was the highlight of her career. I liked her more in "Brokeback Mountain" and "Dawson". She is a good actress, she probably will do better "greatness" in the future if she is lucky.


No, you're not the only one, judging from these boards. I think Michelle did a decent job, but this is one of her weaker performances. She didn't capture Marilyn awkwardness in front of the camera or apparent desperation off the set, but I don't think her character was that well written here.


I thought she was kind of divine, but I also think she did the best she could. Who really could capture Marilyn and do her justice, really?


well said sickly, i thought she was kind of divine too!


Couldnt stand her and her acting. If it werent for the excellent supporting cast and the beautiful production/cinematography I would not have finished the movie. I better stop before Michelle Williams worshippers try to kill me for saying this.;)

Sometimes he actually makes sense, he just makes sense the wrong way.


In total agreement.

Anyone who is a Michelle worshipper doesn't know shyte about acting. She is a bore.


I thought she did a good enough job.

Sure she didn't capture the exact essence of MM but she gave it a good try. I could see where she was going with the voice, from the nose upwards she looked exactly like her but sadly I don't think there is anyone out there who could portray Marilyn perfectly except the woman herself!

Ashmi any question


No, you are not the only one.
Michelle was not only awful in this movie,as an actress, but Michelle also looked awful as Marilyn.
Michelle has chubby cheeks and droopy eyes,for instance,....and she looked like Bambi, NOT Marilyn!

I cannot believe that the Producers and the Casting Dept actually thought that Michelle Williams could pull this off!

Interestingly enough, after this movie, I see that Michelle has not made too many more movies.

I think that the fact that she accepted this part has HURT Michelles' career.
BAD career move.
Her agent should be put in Time out!
