"...while I agree that Williams doesnt look much like MM she totally inhabited that character."
I agree with your comments here, EJverh. For me, Michelle really caught the essence of Marilyn, or at least what many of us would
like to believe Marilyn was, because very few of us can say that we actually knew her personally, more than half a century after her death. Perhaps it is more about trying to satisfy the public's perception of Marilyn as it has evolved over time, reinventing the icon for the approval of today's cinema audiences but nevertheless still trying to get inside her head and under her skin.
I've watched the film twice now and I just
love those scenes of her joyful, playful innocence as she spends a wonderful day with Colin, gambolling and giggling in a field, playing Marilyn the movie star when she meets her adoring fans at Windsor Castle and Eton, followed by her brazen skinnydip in the river, then the sudden darkening of the mood as the couple realise that such a glorious day, like all other days, finally has to come to an end. The car journey home with the sound of Nat King Cole heavy in the air- just a perfect day, surely!
Did it really happen like that? I can't say, but I would like to think that it did. Maybe those few hours spent with Colin were amongst the happiest in her tragically short and unhappy life. Even if it didn't happen like that, the film has created its own lasting magic and the effervescence of the spirit of Marilyn seems to radiate from every bone in Michelle's body. It's just so touching.
For those on this thread who don't agree, surely there is no actress alive who would make the ideal Marilyn anyway, least of all Michelle Williams? After all, the way Marilyn walked, talked, posed, flirted were all totally unique to Marilyn, who was a product of her times. Many actresses have merely tried to imitate to the nth degree Marilyn's universally-recognised appearance and mannerisms but these attempts only seem to emphasise the phoniness of it all compared to the real thing. Like all of them, Michelle wasn't born for this role but she's created something much more solid than just another one-dimensional attempt at a Marilyn impersonation.