Most actors are self absorbed and dramatic. In fact, most people are self absorbed and narcissistic. Maybe not on a sociopathic level, but we're all guilty of such traits.
Further, this movie is just that - a movie. It's not a documentary and most MM fans think it's a load of bunk. If you're looking to a piece of fiction to clue you in about a woman who has been dead for 50+ years, you'll be disappointed. Very few biopics are accurate and they get less accurate when told from the point of view of someone who likely only had a passing knowledge of the subject.
And why should you like Marilyn? Who said you had to? If you have to try, she might not be your cup of tea. I don't understand the appeal of Justin Bieber or Taylor Swift but then I'm probably not in their demographic. It doesn't make them any less relevant and I don't seek out their fans to ask then why they like them. Maybe it's because I'm only slightly narcissistic and am all too aware that it's ok if other people don't share each and every one of my likes and dislikes.