MovieChat Forums > My Week with Marilyn (2011) Discussion > Colin Clark telling the truth?

Colin Clark telling the truth?

I'm sorry, I never read his book or read anything about the production of the movie they were making, so I didn't even know who Colin Clark was before watching this.
My question is, did he really had his week with Marilyn? Most of it seemed like the vivid imagination of a guy on his 20's who was in love with the film industry.
I'm not saying it didn't happen, I'm just asking for opinions.


It never happened. There is enough evidence to support this theory and many people who worked on the film say the same thing.


I had my suspicions.
Thanks :)


Other people who worked on that original film claim the way Marilyn and Larry Olivier acted together was all true, and the film never says Colin and Marilyn slept together. He was a third director's assistant on the film and was in charge of many of her needs and things, but as I said..nowhere does it actually show or insinuate they ever slept together. This film is based on his two books, not just one.

There is no way to know for sure if they did or did not have an intimate physical relationship. From what I have read, they had a friendship that was platonic, but that he did have a crush on her.

"Sometimes you have to know when to put a cork in it."


I don't know...certainly the second book aroused my suspicions as the tone is different and he recounts conversations verbatim from 40-odd years before. Does anyone have any links to online articles about Colin's accounts of his time with Marilyn?



I have to day that was my only real problem with the film. And the fact that he published his book in 1995 when everyone who could have refuted it was long dead is a red flag to me.

"Tara: Stop with that treachery! I told the cat. And now I beg my mother sitting all alone."


The moral of this story is, if you're gonna boast about the great sex you had with film stars, ensure they've been dead a loooonnnnggg time, as well as a lot of their associates.


Except that at no point does he say that he had sex with her, which as you've already pointed out would be an easy claim to make as it's now impossible for anyone to refute.

"Sacred cows make the best hamburger."


hr was actullay vivien lieghs lover for many years..



According to this article, there is little evidence for any relationship Colin might have had with MM curacy-20111210

Last movie watched: My Week with Marilyn (6/10)


I first saw this movie years ago, and only recently re-watched it. I don't believe they were ever involved, based on accounts from others who were actually on the film set at the time this was all supposedly going on. I have a feeling this was all his fantasy- people often like to remember things differently than they actually happened.
