Thoughts on the film based solely on the title.
I am struggling to find ways that this movie might not fall into the Toy Story 2/3 ideas of Christopher Robin growing up and leaving (or giving) his toys away or behind. Unless this is going to be more about A.A. Milne then I cannot see where this could go...
I would love to see a child (Christopher Robin) who uses the world of the Hundred Acre Wood as an escape from somethings in his life or as the product of some kind of illness. Nothing Rated "R" but maybe Ribin has Cancer and "The Wood" is his escape.
On the other hand, I also like the idea of having this be kind of like that song about Pooh and Christopher Robin where the singer (Christopher Ronin) sees his own child with pooh and pooh says welcome home and we get to see his child and we get to see generations of children enjoying "The Wood" throughout the years. Christopher Robin enjoys Pooh and company, thenHis children do, and there children and finally a 4th generation with pooh and company.
also... I just wanted to be the first thread on a film!
Homer: At least that Jimmy Stewart version had that giant rabbit who ran the Savings & Loan.