MovieChat Forums > Super 8 (2011) Discussion > The first 25 minutes was amazing..

The first 25 minutes was amazing..

Now I'm not sure whether this is a popular opinion or not but i feel like this film was set up so well in the first five minutes with the funeral and the mom then the next twenty minutes served great as a coming of age film.

The soundtrack was awesome with some ELO as well as a pretty good score and after 25 minutes it had set itself up to be a great coming of age story about some kids making a movie. BUT then the alien had to come in. Now i knew this was gonna happen because i knew the plot but it sort of tipped the tone from this great coming of age drama to a sudden sci-fi thriller that didn't really work for me. Also the ending was complete BS.

But don't get me wrong it is still a good film with a lot of great parts i just feel like the alien ruined it for me.Also i recognise how this is Abraham's homage to the great sic fi films but the story just flipped and it did not feel right. So am i the only one who feels this way? or is this a shared opinion?




I would listen to you but you gave hunger games mockingjay part 1 &2 a 10 and interstellar a 1.. you're a disease on this website.


It is a Spielberg movie, so of course aliens have to be in it ;)

But, yes, I got your point and understand it. The interaction between the kids and their world is the heart of the movie, and the best part. Neverless, like you said too, the rest of it is still so good (the efects, the story, the briliant acting of the kids) and all that is enough that in the end you end up saying "Cool movie"

It has 8/10 for me
