The monster

Anyone find the monster unsympathetic. Regardless of what the military did, it was still a monster killing people for no good reason.

I don't give a f*@K about trolls who doesn't for his opinion telling me how to review movies.


I think there was plenty of reason for it to kill people. First off, it was held in captivity and experimented upon after its' crash landing, not a very warm welcome to earth. The scientists who had it in captivity most likely did terrible things to it, thus the monsters motive to kill people - primarily for protection. Secondly, from the underground scene in the monsters lair, it seemed that it was using humans as a resource for food. To the monster or 'alien' it only would seem natural: defend yourself from harms way and eat what you can.

Imagine having yourself in the monsters' perspective, surrounded by foreign beings doing strange things and keeping you locked up. It would be instinctual to do whatever means necessary in an attempt to escape, even if it involves killing. Therefore any of those foreigners could be potentially dangerous, so should be seen as a threat. Then it turns out the foreigners who have captured you are also edible - that's a bonus.

So yes, to answer your question, the monster was quite unsympathetic. Who wouldn't be when you're feeling threatened. The only reason it didn't eat Joe was because Joe didn't present himself as a threat, rather someone with a message. I'm sure there's a deeper meaning to it than that, but this is just my opinion. :)

"All I'm asking for is total perfection." - Lord Business


Except it can sense the minds of people it touches. It should know its not being threatened. In the end, all it shows is the monster deserved to die.

I don't give a f*@K about a troll who doesn't pay for his opinion telling me how to review movies.


Hmmm... I guess we have different opinions on this one. I feel they really showed that the monster had a humane side to it in the end. I could totally understand some of the things it did. Still, I definitely would not say it's a tame creature.

"All I'm asking for is total perfection." - Lord Business
