I loved REC 1 & 2 . I mean it . one of my favorites all time .
And now what the was this ????
Can`t beleive i took a day off and come home to watch this .
Where is the Found Footage style camera ??? The series iconic style was the found footage style ... What the *beep* is up whith this idiotic comedic scenes and dialogues ?? And they Screwed the story they built up in REC 1 & 2 ...
This one failed miserabaly .
I hate shaky cama and I'll never understand why people like it or actually think it makes a film more realistic. We all know a horror film is fake no matter how much you shake the cam.
It just makes me want to scream,"Set it on a tripod for fvcksakes!!"
I loved 1 & 2 and was expecting more of the same intense style, but I wasnt disappointed either. It was at a wedding, they were celebrating, its a completely different situation for the virus to break out. If it was more of the same it could have been criticised for that reason. It wasn't as bad as your making out. Maybe chill out and watch it in a better frame of mind.
"The ONLY THING that seprated REC from other horror flicks was the found footage style and now it is gone !"
You've got to be kidding me. You actually believe Rec was unique BECAUSE OF the shaky cam? You are seriously mistaken in this matter.
Take a good look at this list of films that use the same shaky cam style. Notice there are quite a few films made before 2007 (the year when Rec was made) that use the shaky cam style.
Sometimes you just can't use the same formula over and over again in a franchise. It gets dull and boring very quickly. Audiences need to be more open minded when it comes to films and new approaches to films. Otherwise the studios will be throwing nothing but remakes at us.
Considering the first two movies "tons of silence then a loud noise and screaming" gimmick overused to all hell, I don't get how this could be any worse..
Or the whole "demonic metaphysical psychic parasitic spit zombie" crap that was supposed to be the explanation for this junk..
I won't say that it was bad because it changed things up. I actually applaud them for this. I won't say that switching modes 20 minutes in into "regularcam". If done right I would call it daring as *beep* I won't even fault them for the wonky "science" of how this all is supposed to work... I've accepted far more stupider premises and loved it.
What I do react negatively to is... well... the utter stupidity of ALL of the characters... From the husband who constantly leaves perfectly usable weapons behind, the wife who basically just cries and does her best Duvall/Shining-impression (a film I loved btw). The beginning where they are in the kitchen and NOONE thinks of using a table-knife as a screw-driver. To the completely madiningly suicidal behavior of everyone involved in the incident. They took every oppurtunity they had to put themselves into more and lethal danger. Never stopping to think logically how they can use what they have to get out.
I have seen some found footage movies done well... but this one was just a pure experience in frustration over the stupidity and non-productive actions that just wasted a lot of time.
And I'm sure that there's a lot of usages for a perfectly new and unused chainsaw in the catacombs under the church...
This described EXACTLY what I felt during the movie. I liked the way they switched the movie out of the "cam mode". It was a surprise 20 mins into the movie. Then things just turned into a badly scripted horror movie.
"This described EXACTLY what I felt during the movie. I liked the way they switched the movie out of the "cam mode". It was a surprise 20 mins into the movie. Then things just turned into a badly scripted horror movie."
Yeah, if it kept the tone serious and creepy like the 1st two - I wouldn't have cared whether or not they used the "cam mode".
While watching this horendous piece of garbage at times I caught myself just staring at my tv with my mouth open, in shock, because of what Paco Plaza did to this brilliant series. After having watched the movie it seems like he deliberately intented to destroy everything they had accomplished with the first two movies.
From the very first 5 seconds after the camera was destroyed by Koldo and they switched to the "hollywoodstyle" filming I knew this was going to be awful. He even changed the way the possessed moved around. Instead of running like furious demons they just stumble about like retarded dopeheads. And don't even get me started about the "lets suit up in medieval armour" sh*t because at that moment even my dog looked up to me thinking "dude, what the hell are you watching?"
And why name the movie "Genesis" when the events in the movie happen almost simultaneously with the ones in the second movie and it didn't explain anything about the origins of the demonic virus, or the medeiros girl or anything else story-related for that matter.
This movie or whatever you wanna call it was just a 90 minute insult to the fans of the series and a complete disgrace as to what they had accomplished and built up with the first two movies. Paco Plaza was given a great chance to make a legendary "prequel" to a fantastic series, wich could explain a lot of the mysteries in the films and make the story even more intriguing then it already was. Instead we got an unbearable childish idiotic zombie flick that is unworthy to have the name Rec in it's title. If Paco Plaza wanted to make a movie like this one he should've done so but as a stand alone project, with absolutely nothing related to the Rec series. I really wonder what Jaume Balaguero was thinking when he watched this film. Hope he can restore this series with Rec: Apocalypse.
I was avoiding [REC]2 and [REC]3 for a long time, cause I knew they couldn't be as good as the first one.
But, I warmed up to the idea of giving them a try and boy what a disappointment.
That reminds me the Feast series - first one absolutely brilliant, going downhill from there.
[REC]2 tries to emulate the first movie, but is less suspenseful, less charismatic, less logical and adds too much religious stuff to it. Mediocre, but not horrible.
[REC]3 is an absolute disaster. Corny, b-grade, clichéd zombie flick, with horrible cinematography (yeah, they ditched the 'found footage' angle, to replace it with really amateur shooting).
"No one messes with my wedding", says the leading heroine as she starts high-kicking the zombies in the head and arms her chainsaw. Seriously, this is the level of awful we're talking about here.
The production was really bad. The camera-work was uninspired with angles and pans that are taking you right out of the movie, the editing making it even worse. Some of the cuts were so random and wrong :( "Cinema quality" as they call it in the movie itself. You wish guys, you wish. More like direct-to-video-on-a-tight-budget-and-my-mom-just-brought-me-this-new-awesome-camera quality.
But sound mixing wasn't good either, sometimes the people talked too silent, while the music was too loud. The music wasn't any good either.
And of-course, none of the characters acted like real people (I really loved [REC]1 for it's realism).
Attempts at humor? Watch out for the funny faces zombies make before the heroes kill them (in a very badly timed cuts)!
Meh, I can go on and on, but trust me, this movie is bad.
Oh, btw, if you DID liked the religious angle it's mostly missing from here. Liked the backstory? It's not touched upon either. Liked the confined setting? Not here. Liked the original characters from REC1/2? They're not here. Maybe you were interested how things went down after REC2 (I kinda was)? You won't find out. Or maybe you thought the zombie portrayal was great in the first movie(s)? Well, prepare to get back to slow walkers (they can run, sure, but only when it's convenient for the plot) who make funny faces.
As a stand-alone horror-comedy zombie movie, 4/10. As continuation to the one of the greatest horror movies ever made? 0/10. Seriously, WTF.
You complain that REC 2 tried to "emulate the first movie" but failed, and then you complain about how REC 3 ditched the found footage filming and replaced it regular cinematography.
REC 2 didn't fail, it was an OKAY attempt. But yeah, the general idea is that we didn't need any sequels at all.
I'd like you to tell me where exactly were were the cuts so terrible,badly timed and "random and wrong". I really can't see it. Especially since this film and the first one had the exact same editor.
Two moments that stand out is the scene when they were unscrewing the grating (in the beginning) and the scene when Coldo killed his uncle with the blender thingy. Both missed several beats.
And editing a movie that is supposed to look like found footage (long takes with minimal cuts) is quite a different task to editing a movie for dramatic effect.
And the "zombie"'s faces weren't supposed to be funny. The uncle was smiling, which made him ten times more creepier to be honest.
Yeah, I kinda liked the smiling uncle, altho it's closer to Romero's zombies than to the possessed people REC showed us.
I was talking about the "Uh-Oh" expression they were doing right before they were killed. Reminded me Willy E. Coyote and his signs. Case in point - the guy who the Bride chainsawed while sitting on him, and the smiling uncle right before the blender went into his mouth.
"No one messes with my wedding" She didn't even say this.
True, that was a slight exaggeration on my part. They were definitely aiming for that vibe tho, you can't deny it.
And nah, I don't think I'll be coming back for REC 4. And why does it matter if they break the quarantine in that building, after all it's now obvious zombies are everywhere already.
I'm glad you enjoyed the movie, with bad sound mixing and all. You can find lots of movies like that too, check out the B-horror section of your video store. Sadly, you won't be able to find anything like [REC]1 there, which was unique :(
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I agree it didn't, but it was clearly an attempt at humor. An animated gif would've worked better than jpeg, but making some just for the purpose of this argument is too much.
Clearly we're not on the same page here. Same goes about editing.
And no they're not everywhere already quite yet.
Nah, they totally spoiled the "everything is at stake in that one apartment building" premise. Who knows, who else was bitten by that dog or whatever?
See, this would be a funny joke if a B-horror section at video stores existed.
Sure did in my local one. Wasn't able to get enough of it. Saw lots of movies like REC3, some better, some worse. Never saw quite anything like REC1, tho :(
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Yeah! It didn't say "B" explicitly, but it was filled with direct-to-video production. A cabinet next to it was filled with horror movies that actually saw the light of silver screen.
You gotta understand that they were not trying to make another REC film as such, this one it's not about tension, it's more like a tongue-in-cheek zombie film with a few nice moments, although it remains within the REC world. It's a break from the main story, if you will, a bit of like special issues in comics.
I went to see thinking it'd be complete *beep* and I found myself laughing and simply enjoying it! I guess certain things get lost in translation though(like the bit with the guy they nickname Canon, or the main songs (classic Spanish folk))
The way I see it, you kill off a franchise if you repeat yourself; I'm glad that they did this without contradicting what R1&2 established and I'm looking forward to the next (serious) installment.
You gotta understand that they were not trying to make another REC film as such, this one it's not about tension, it's more like a tongue-in-cheek zombie film with a few nice moments, although it remains within the REC world. It's a break from the main story, if you will, a bit of like special issues in comics.
I understand it. And it's stupid. Should've called it "REC: The funny wedding", not "REC 3".
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hahaha "REC: The funny wedding", i will watch that, its a better description of the zombie flick this movie was.
I think the fans are scared of the road REC will take, nobody wants a Resident evil way, every movie more ridiculous than the last one.
The style of the REC franchise was unique but not durable, the "genesis" title and the rumors of a 4 part, tells the beginning of the end for what we know as REC, its a sad day, the day REC becomes Resident evil.