MovieChat Forums > [Rec]³: Génesis (2012) Discussion > Why did all the zombies freeze at the en...

Why did all the zombies freeze at the end of the movie?

Right at the end of movie, when Koldo and his gf, come out of the building and in the yard, see all the zombie just stood still, shivering, without moving or advancing towards them. At that moment, the priest is reading some passages from the bible, over the tannoy speaker and also the sun is coming out too!

So is it the daylight/sun that makes the zombie stationary/harmless or was it the scripts from the bible being read out that causes the zombie to just freeze helplessly. I personally think its the latter, the bible, as the movie does have a religious and a demon connection and its the word of God vs Satan kinda thing, as the priest did use his prayer earlier in the movie to calm a few zombies, when they were attacking him.

What do you lot reckon?


It's the bible verses. That was the point of showing the priest using that tactic earlier in the movie.

"They're all dead.....they just don't know it yet." - Eric Draven


like the above poster said, it was because of the fairytale verses.
you see, these are not zombies, just demon-possesed people.



lol Atheists.

If you are a follower of Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it, put this in your sig.



Did the priest have to wait until morning to say the passage or was it something he could have done all along?

"Look at banner Michael!" - GOB


He knew the bible verses would work face to face, but broadcasting them over the PA system (quite a clever tactic, actually) probably didn't occur to him until later.


Plus, he had to work his way back to the room with the controls for the speaker system. They'd left there after the demon-zombies crashed in.

Good thing the record ran out on the crappy wedding music after the groom turned the volume up full blast... otherwise all those ballroom demon-zombies would have missed the padre's bible reading.


Maybe he was a Supernatural fan, where they use the same tactic (a police station full of demons, a tape recorder playing an "exorcism enchant" connected to the PA system).


Are u' retarded or what ?


most_powerful, this is a standard iMDB welcome. Think of it as a 'how do you do?'

"I tried bars. It's like Mass with too much wine and everyone praying to get laid."


Reading aloud from the Bible tends to have that affect... staring mindless into the distance and giving up on life in general.

You don't choose the soy sauce, the soy sauce chooses you.



Cause Simon said so.
