i see alot of you missed it..
i love rec 1 and 2 and i enjoyed rec 3. all the people cryin about how rec 2 was tied into rec 1 and sad cause rec 3 had no tie in obviously didnt pay attention to the first movie or this one. the first movie the little girl was sick from tonsillitis or so the docs thought and the dog was sent to the vet for being sick also. the obvious tie in with rec 3 was the uncle who was bit by a dog at the vet where he worked which he said in the first few minutes of this movie. he said the dog appeared to be dead and then jumped up and bit him. also this isnt really a continuation from rec 2 if you think about it. rec 3 just comes off as a spin off with prequel elements to show you what happened in the events of the infection (from rec 1) with the vet that the dog went to and the uncle spreading the infection at the party.