[REC] 3 vs. Quarantine 2

Which did you like more?

I actually got bored and turned Quarantine 2 off half way through but... it's been more well received than [REC] 3 has been. They both forgo all the unique attributes of [REC] and serve up a by-the-numbers throw away zombie flick but Quarantine 2 seems to have handled the prospect better.

"Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. True humility is the antidote to shame."


Quarantine 2... IMO REC 3 would have been better if they had just kept to the 1st person view.


honestly, neither.


I found Quarantine 2 much better than Rec3 - abomination.


I liked [rec]3 more, quarantine 2 was just a average run-of-the-mill zombie film



Quarantine 2, they actually advanced the story.

Rec2 was nothing more than a REC re shoot. Rec3 has absolutely no connection to the previous two other than an infection leads to being a zombie.


It occurred at the same time as [REC]1 and they aren't zombies....they're possessed

"Look at banner Michael!" - GOB


They're both pretty awful, but...

I ended up skipping the last third of Quarantine 2 to get to the end. I did manage to (barely) make it through all of Rec 3. So I guess I'll have to say Rec 3.


Quarantine 2 is better.



[REC] 3 was a comedy, if Quarantine 2 wasn't then it must be better.
