You could jump right from REC 2 to Apocalypse and be fine. I'm really starting to consider leaving Genesis out of my canon and leaving apocalypse in after 2 as the final film. Rec 3 doesn't have *beep* to do with 1, 2 or 4. So fck it. I'm done with 3.
How about you guys? Whats your canon for the franchise?
So what? The head doctor mentions that she survived an outbreak at a wedding. Big woop. Its mentioned super briefly twice and who gives a *beep* about her character. Shes funny but that it. REC 4 went back to the claustrophobic setting that the films thrive in. It brought Angela Vidal's character to a close and the movie was executed pretty well with the sets and special effects. Also I really did like the Nick character. The beginning of the film was cool to as we got to go back to the apartment building from the first and second film.
I just skip 3 when I watch the movies and go from 1, 2 and then Apocalypse. *beep* REC 3
First to your "so what?" I'm responding to the point of pretending that 3 isn't canon unless you want to invalidate part 4 as well since part 4 talks about 3. No two ways about it. Doesn't mean you have to like 3 or that one person can't pretend for their own delight it doesn't exist. I'm simply talking the point of saying for series canon that it doesn't exist.
As for 4 - it did not return to that "claustrophobic setting " in the least for me and it basically a major let down as a franchise ender. It brought nothing new or noteworthy to the series, was anti-climatic, and was the only one in the series that I found myself bored at times.
Good for you that you liked it and didn't like 3. Guess we have different tastes and opinions.
First off I agree with your statement that REC 4 isn't the ending that the series deserves. It does deserve an entirely new ending that deliverers. I'd personally like to go back to the found footage style and to the apartment building.
There were some dull moments but it continues on from where REC 2 left off and to me thats good enough. REC 3 just sucks dude. Plain and simple.
Unless your into corny dark humor with terrible acting and a pathetic score. The movie blowed.
I don't know why you feel the need to defend it? Why? Weren't the first 2 movies not good enough for you?
I don't know why you feel the need to defend it? Why? Weren't the first 2 movies not good enough for you?
I get you don't like 3 and obviously you get I don't appreciate 4 so not certain what it is worth to do a back and forth on that score. Sometimes it really just comes down to gut feeling of like/didn't like a film.
I do disagree about your takes on the acting in 3 (as I thought the two leads in 3 were terrific) or that it was all corny dark humor, but I agree it was more of a comedy mix then some fans like.
As far as your point about the score - I'll have to give that to you point as I honestly don't remember it.
What I do want to counter is your rhetorical question of whether the first two movies were not good enough for me.
I love the original and no sequel or american remake comes close to the magic and power of that film.
REC 2 however was weak to me as while I appreciated it for the elaboration of the religious theme I felt like basing it in the apartment again was giving me a sense of I've seen this movie already even with the new characters. Speaking of new characters - I thought the group of kids who break into the apartment building were the worse characters/actors of any of the Rec movies. I also hated how they were so easily able to break into the building in the first place which made the first movie feel kind of false to a degree.
I thought 3 and 4 were both smart in changing the environment where the action takes place though.
Dude Caesar mentions in the first one about the workshop that was closed up and the storm drain leading down into the sewers where we saw the kids enter through.
The kids in REC 2 were important to the story because we actually get to see where the survivors of the first REC would of escaped had they made it there. I thought it was a clever story device that worked out well. Especially when Tito gets possessed. It was worth the wait with all the kid drama.
I didn't mind the kids as much as some people do. They acted pretty well given the situation they were in. *beep* the haters. I thoroughly enjoyed REC 2. Its actually my favorite and I consider it the best in the series.
If you actually grab some popcorn and engage in the 2 story lines from REC 1 and 2 than REC 2 will become much clearer for you.
I've obviously have seen these movies way more than you and am well informed on the films.
And P.S. don't just watch them once and then come to a conclusion. Give them a couple watches and really pay attention. Its clear from the first one that it was a demonic virus. There's a lot more to these films. People just don't give them the time and jump to quick conclusions.