MovieChat Forums > [Rec]³: Génesis (2012) Discussion > What if this movie is not named REC 3? W...

What if this movie is not named REC 3? Would you still HATE it?

I came on to score the movie a 7 out of 10, surprised to see how low the score is for the movie with over 80% of the people crying over IT'S NOT THE SAME AS REC 1 AND 2! IT'S NOT THE SAME AS REC 1 AND 2! and then probably giving it a ridiculous score of 1-5.

So, I am wondering what would you think if the movie is not called REC 3?

I recently saw the movie, It is not the greatest zombie film but it is far from the worst. There were a lot of things that were good and enjoyable in the movie compared to zombie films made.


People are Saying its no REC 1 or REC 2, not just because of the shaky found footage approach, but basically it pales in comparison to those 2 films (which were brilliant! in my opinion).

I have watche d alot of zombie films too, and as a stand alone I wouldn't give it much either. I disliked the humour and thought parts were poorly written to ridiculous. It did have some moments but mostly forgetable save for the ending which I kinda actually liked. but as a stand alone I'd give it 5 as a rec sequel probably a 4, cause my expectations are raised...


I didn't dislike this, but personally I reckon I'd be less forgiving of this film if it wasn't for its place in the REC franchise.

I found this film entertaining enough, but I think the main purpose of this film has been to demonstrate which of the two directors had the real talent. I'm now especially excited about the next movie which has the other guy working on it.


It was a zombie movie not a rabies/possessed film.





If the movie was not named REC 3 then I would never have bothered with it to be honest. It's through the title that I gave it a chance. Well I got burned by doing so. I wont be burned again. So REC 4 will be treated with extreme caution.

"Deep down there's a beast with a crown. And he'll rise if the right words are read"


I actually thought it was quite enjoyable as a non-"[Rec]" movie; a camp, silly "zombie"-flick without a reasonable plot that boasts two great leads and a heartbreaking ending.

However, this is supposed to be a "[Rec]" film and sadly it just didn't feel like a "[Rec]" film. The shift to cinematic-style camera just didn't sit right with me; I could now see everything that was going on and every scare just seemed predictable.

The story did nothing in the way of progressing the plot from the first 2. It just seemed like a bit of filler until they could think of something for the final part in the franchise.

Some of the humour didn't work for me either. Considering the first 2 were straight-up, terrifying horror films, the now more light-hearted tone and hit-and-miss jokes just seemed out of place and slightly forced.

I have to say, I thought the two leads were fantastic. Their relationship is what kept me watching it to the end (well, that and I can't switch off a film halfway through). I really believed they loved each other, which is what made the ending so beautifully sad.

Basically, remove the "[Rec]" from the title and any of the (minimal) references to the first 2 and you've got yourself an enjoyable - but not groundbreaking - zombie-flick. Keep the title and the references? You've got yourself a disappointing sequel that just has no point in being here.



They needed 90 minutes of this to do that?



They just wanted money.


yeah they shouldn't have called it rec3 if there wasn't gonna be more connected to the previous stories hence the letdown


I dislike it on it's own merits but being part of the REC series makes it alot worse.

I don't see how that's a flaw in logic though. By doing a remake, sequel, adaptation, etc you are working with a double-edged sword, you have the built in fanbase but that fanbase comes with expectations.

Creating something successful in an established universe/continuity is a delicate art, you need to work within the framework of what has been established while adding/expanding at the same time to avoid it being more of the same yet something different enough to justify it's existence.

IMO REC 3 failed utterly not only as a movie itself but as a part of the series.


I would dislike it, but probably not to the same extent. I am a huge fan of the first two films so this one should have been just as good, but it wasn't.


This movie isn't even good horror. This is in the same quality of those Redbox films that you blindly rent which turned out to suck beyond comprehension and that the only way those companies make any money is by putting their crappy ass films in Redbox hoping that a sucker (like me once) rents it without knowing if its good or not.


I liked it.
It's a good thing they dropped the freakin shakey-cam and got out of the damned apartment complex. The 2nd one was weaker for just being a rehash of the original with a big scoop of unnecessary exposition on top (and a lame-ass ending IMO).
This one had lots of edge-of-your-seat moments, gore, black humor and demon-zombies... what's not to like?
Most franchises suck because they run out of ideas and/or get stuck placating rabid fans who won't let go of the formula-bottle. This one chose to break away from its roots and is all the better for it.


Are you high? edge-of-your-seat moments? rec-3 was just like a thousand other "horror" movies that have flooded the genre for the past 10 years.

I get it you don't like shaky cam, whatever, different strokes. But rec-3 traded everything that was good about the first two, not for something MORE captivating. But for something that has been done time and time again and is only captivating with an inhuman level of suspended disbelief.

Saying that rec-3 broke the mold by not being
handheld cam is like graduating from the bottle back to the tit.

Sure there have been plenty of found-footage movies kicking around the film fests over the past couple years, but goddamn, it's more edgy than every freakin thing you mentioned as a "merit" for rec-3. And you know what, rec-1 and 2, did the found-footage cam RIGHT.

It broke away from it's roots and joined the ranks of mediocre horror movies the likes of which only have fans at pop-culture conventions. Rec-3 was as conventional and predictable as they come. I can't stress this enough.

the only thing "different" about rec-3 is that it wasn't like rec-1 or 2. Other then that, it goes back to the very formulas that your so called "rabid fans" have been giving their money to for the past 10 years. Which is sad because what made rec 1 and 2 great was that they were different than every horror movie that wasn't a found-footage movie, which is 80% of them.


I don't dislike the handheld camera look at all. Blair Witch is one of my favorite horror films... as is the first REC. I just don't think there is any need to be constrained to just that style. The Paranormal activity movies pretty much prove that by getting increasingly ridiculous as they grasp at new ways to shoe-horn in their 'security cam' gimmick.
The hand-held thing is great when it works, and when there is some point to it. But is never going to be anything but a variant style... it is too limiting. Opting into it for the entire movie does constrain the story telling to a certain degree. Dropping it, as REC3 did, frees them up to tell other sorts of stories.
REC3 certainly isn't as balls-out scary as the first one, it isn't meant to be... but there is a good deal of tension. Those 'edge-of-your-seat' moments I mentioned.
Meanwhile, conventional camera work exists for a reason... it is a visual language that has been built up over many years. Most all viewers understand it even if they can't list all its rules. Sure... keep pushing the medium, but don't think you're doing that by just tossing out all that came before.


Not done with it yet but it's alright. It has pretty high production value for a horror film.

I prefer the Found Footage angle cause it makes it scary. Without it, I can't "project" myself into the film...therefore it's not scary. But yeah I agree, it's not terrible.

Stuff like this reminds me of "Movie Poop" from Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.
