What a peice of crap..

This movie has 1 or 2 moments that made me blow a little extra air out of my nose than usual, but the rest if this movie is unfunny. The characters are all unrealistic and make unrealistic decisions. That one loud friend reminded me of a 3 year old who has no self control. Everyone on this board keeps commending it for it's message, but if I wanted to watch something purely for the sake of a wholesome message, I'd watch Barney or any number of other children TV shows/movies. Plus, Salma has zero comedic timing..


I Liked it a lot.


Salma may have been miscast, but a fun film.

I got exactly what I was expecting and perhaps a little more.


I wasn't expecting much from the film but I decided to watch it anyway. I was pleasantly surprised and thought it pretty good. I like Kevin James and knew he has been a fan of the UFC for years. I thought he did a good job playing his role somewhat understated. The end was predictable but I have to say I enjoyed it and I am glad for Kevin James. You usually can't go wrong watching a movie with Salma Hayak in it. My opinion of course. My biggest criticism is the movie didn't have enough of Arianny Celeste. From my point of view I give the movie a solid THUMPBS UP!


As much as I value the opinion of somebody who can't spell "Piece" I have to disagree with your comments. It's just a light hearted film.

I suppose it makes the film more interesting if you're into MMA and you know all of the cameo's who appeared in the film.

Bas Rutten is a legend and I was surprised at how good is acting is. Joe Rogan is a legend as well but I have to say his acting wasn't great.

Even the small scenes with Chael Sonnen tapping and then arguing with the ref was a nice touch for someone who is into the sport.
