MovieChat Forums > Million Dollar Arm (2014) Discussion > I concur with Jon Hamm(JB) on saying tha...

I concur with Jon Hamm(JB) on saying that Cricket is a terrible game!

Its like watching inmates of an insane asylum running around the field like babbling idiots.

Geez! How the hell did crappy game like that gain so much popularity all over the world?

Bulls make money, Bears make money, Pigs? They get slaughtered!


Probably because very little equipment is necessary to play (all you really need is a bat and ball) and you can play it in any open space (as opposed to baseball where you need to make up the diamond). It's pretty much the same reason soccer is the #1 sport in the world in terms of participation.


If you play cricket with a soft ball, you need about the same amount of equipment as for baseball, but for "real" cricket, with the hard ball you need the protective equipment. Talking about the baseball diamond, it's interesting that because cricket just has two "bases" it can be played on a back street where the diamond wouldn't fit (of course this would be a reduced form of the game, different scoring etc.)

Two of the attractions of cricket are it's complexity, and the variety of skills involved, the sport which is popular due to it's simplicity, and lack of need for much equipment is, I would say, football/soccer.


Pearls before swine.


Another question is why isn't baseball popular on a global scale.

Also in Europe the nearest equilivant. is rounders and pa
rticipation in that ends in primary school


Inmates of insane asylum running around the field seems to fit the description of soccer better. But hey that is a great game and so is cricket. And with the advent of the short format of cricket ( 20-20), its popularity is bound to grow.


Cricket is popular in India because it's the first game the British introduced upon colonization. Basically, the sport became ingrained into Indian culture over 200 years.


The same could be said about baseball. Though cricket invariably sends me to sleep.
