Fantastic script by Tom McCarthy
Loved this movie. Have not seen a 'Disney' movie in a long time, for good reason. But this was a story well-told, a nice way to spend a couple of hours.
The script, in particular, was outstanding. First appreciated Tom McCarthy's writing in 'The Station Agent' and then again 'Win-Win'. Big themes, lots of symbolism and truth, and no shortcuts with the characters.
Loved the 'parallels' of JB being used by Popo to leverage his relationship with the larger agency. The look on JB's face was priceless, when Popo told him 'it is just business'. And when he used that line on Brenda, it rang just as hollow.
That line was immortalized in 'The Godfather', repeated many times in lesser movies, and become part of contemporary parlance. Unfortunately, it is used when somebody has just done something horrible to someone else, that they would never tolerate being done to themselves. It is the sign of weak character. All business is personal!