Well said. Very good point you make about the so called 'messiah' not having a reason to rescue these young men, because he didn't.
Yes, post colonialism, democracy, capitalism have made crap out of once prosperous empires ravishing it of its riches and resources and leaving it in ruins to never return to its previous glory, and yes, it sucks that America's wealth comes at the expense of other nations....that aside...this was an inspirational movie not about separatism, supremacy or any type of division. It seemed like a point of unity, of coming together to share a global cornucopia of cultures and various resources.
Their families were prosperous in culture, love and togetherness, I believe that was the point being made. They didn't just scoop them up and sweep them away from their dreary lives. They had a ceremony first and they were supported by all of their people, to the astonishment of the Americans...that is true wealth. Yes, the player's families did win money and eventually a contract, but JB also sat in front of an altar and prayed for the first time and became a better person having been exposed to them. He got something from them as well. To imply this was a racist one way exchange where somebody loses and somebody wins is a gross misrepresentation of this work...I believe the point of the movie is to show the value in both worlds. If you don't see that, then it is you, yourself whom don't recognize the beauty of any culture outside of your own.
Bollywood Film industry is a booming and prosperous business, so even the coming together of Hollywood and Bollywood is a moment to rejoice.
I swear, people just can't seem to enjoy anything anymore, don't waste your life rebelling about so much that you fail to find the beauty in anything at all. Trust me, I've been where you are, and although it has its merit to be aware of racism and capitalism but being a naysayer to everything...seeing the half empty glass all the time is bound to leave you...empty.
The movie made me feel so good I wanted to come on here and talk to others who were moved by it as I was. But once again coming to the message board...especially of a film featuring a majority of multi-ethnic faces, it almost always has a dark cloud of downplayers and naysayers...maybe even haters all over it. I will have to watch the movie again, just to return to my happy place. This is not a documentary but is based on a true story of extraordinary accomplishment, courage and cultural brotherhood...who can't see that?
Even if the players didn't turn out to be that great after getting signed...they learned a new culture, language, diet, environment, independence AND baseball in 10 months...how many of us American's would fare the same in their country and under that much pressure...and even racism (which I'm almost certain really occurred)?
Say it with me..."it's ok to have happy endings...we are not against being happy...happy is good, not bad"