MovieChat Forums > The Dictator (2012) Discussion > Borat's anti-American screed

Borat's anti-American screed

It's cute, and just what I expect from a sleazy Brit. But let's take the charges one by one:

"You could let 1% of the people have all the nation's wealth."

Like Brian Fantana saying 60% of the time, it works every time. The math doesn't make any sense. He's saying 99% of the American people have no assets.

"You could help your rich friends get richer by cutting their taxes."

Taxes are going up. In NYC, real estate taxes are up 18%. This directly affects the rich. What would Borat know about American tax policy anyway?

"And bailing them out when they gamble and lose."

Lots of rich Americans lost their shirts in the subprime debacle. And for a Brit to make this charge is hilarious. The UK bailed out the Royal Bank of Scotland with $100B of taxpayer funds. Three thousand dollars for every UK taxpayer. Why doesn't Borat mention that?

"You could ignore the needs of the poor for health care and education."

A silly charge. Medicaid covers the poor. Obamacare expanded that coverage. Meanwhile Britain's NHS has nurses that won't wash their hands and staph infections that kill. The world's worst serial killer was an NHS doctor. The NHS allowed Jimmy Savile to come in and molest sick and disabled children.

"Your media would appear free, but would secretly be controlled by one person and his family."

You mean like the left-wing BBC, which is controlled by a bunch of neo-Marxist freaks in the British government? And which forces every TV watcher in Britain to support them with a license fee, even if these watchers still use rabbit ears or a coathanger for an antenna?

"You could wiretap phones."

News of the World scandal. Next!

"You could torture foreign prisoners."

Northern Ireland. The Maze prison where hooding and physical abuse was routine. That is if British death squads didn't kill them on the streets first. Next!

"You could have rigged elections."

The Brits don't elect their leaders. Their social betters do. You don't vote for a person, you vote for a party. Then the secret "prize" emerges. Talk about anti-democratic rigging.

"You could lie about why you go to war."

You mean like World War 1 (20m) dead where the Brits claimed they were fighting against tyranny when they were just trying to grab German colonies in Africa and Turkish colonies in the Middle East so they could expand their own brand of tyranny?

"You could fill your prisons with one particular racial group, and no one would complain."

You commit crimes in America, you go to prison. Unlike in the UK, where James Bulger's killers were paroled after short prison sentences and given new identities and homes by the government. So they could go on the computer and download child porn.

"You could use the media to scare the people into supporting policies that are against their interests."

Most Brits don't support open borders immigration. But Britain's left-wing media elite do. Now, what were you saying?


"Your media would appear free, but would secretly be controlled by one person and his family."

I think this was aimed at people like Rupert Murdoch.......

He controls most of the newspapers over here in Australia and his papers are very cosy with the government of the day and too scared to print anything overtly negative. You do realize he has indirectly used his influence to win elections in some countries where he has media interests and other interests?


It wasn't Anti-American. As you pointed out, these things happen all over the world.
I was going to originally respond to each point you made, but it seems your point is that it's okay if one country is a dick to its people, because others do it too.
His speech was satirically pointing out the flaws of beloved capitalism, and the corruption that rules the western world.
You seem offended that he was speaking only of Lady Liberty, but point out other countries doing similar. That strikes me as a world problem, not just American. Which makes sense, since SBC was making a movie to play all over the world, not just America.


No. My point is that Cohen is just like the rest of the British left. Obsessed with America's so-called failings but oddly silent about Britain's, including the murder of more than 100 million people in South Asia. Which makes everything he said about America just melt away in insignificance.

What a pity. I was looking forward to you responding to all of my points. Shame you are denying me the pleasure of laughing in your face.


You're not even getting the references he is making. You're making up your own.


You seem to the one who's obsessed, you f'in idiot.


I like how an American's first defence to a charge is to not actually plead innocence, but to claim that someone else is apparently just as bad and that makes American badness it okay. You're the sort of person who'd think it okay to have sex with your sister because your neighbour was having sex with his daughter.
Secondly, Baron Cohen mentions no specifics and someone of them are actually clearly in reference to the UK as well.
That's without even mentioning some of your shoddy responses, your dumbass interpretation of WW1 made me laugh, the Ottomans didn't join the war until over 3 months after it started but apparently that was really why the UK intervened? Mate you're embarrassing America when you say stupid stuff like that.


Wow - follette - you are either really stupid or deeply in denial.

EVERYTHING Sasha said about the US in that speech IS TRUE.


Dude, if you take this so seriously than I know one thing:

Maybe Obamacare expanded coverage but it sure as hell did not expand it enough to cover your need for chill pills.


Poor millionaires,they have it so tough.


Did he say Britain was any better? No. He's just pointing out not everything is as perfect as made out to be... Duh.. Besides it's a comedy, even though he's making a good and serious point. You can still laugh. I'm so sorry he hurt your feelings. Man up.
