How much longer before we see Inside Job (2020)?
Nothing's changed! We're right back in a bubble, only it's even bigger this time. Tick-tock!
Oh--and death to the Fed.
Nothing's changed! We're right back in a bubble, only it's even bigger this time. Tick-tock!
Oh--and death to the Fed.
We're fucked.
shareWe won't see Inside Job 2 because Inside Job 1 did nothing to tell people what happened. I am tired of seeing documentaries which purport to tell us the truth, with shady photos of people and ominous music playing, telling one smart part of the story and wrapping everything up with a bow ... and even if that narrative was halfway true - nothing happens. Someone out there understands how the economy really works, and I think it is closer to the MMT ( Modern Monetary Theory ) version of things that this fake family budget analogy Americans keep swallowing. The economy keeps itself afloat, otherwise, really, how would be keep going with more than half of our revenue going to fake military spending - and we cannot even knock-over a pathetic country like Afghanistan, or we are dreading a war with Iran who is a paper tiger on the edge of collapse, and all at the same time the richest and most powerful people are selling off our jobs and industries to foreign entities who bribe them to betray us, and then at the same time we are trying to kill people who are informing us as to what our country is really doing - i.e. Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning, and others.
And on top of that we cannot even have our wake up and smell the coffee moment because 40% of Americans are so stupid as to believe Donald Trump about anything - and all at a time when we continue to destroy our environment and make our planet unlivable. We need more than a BS documentary to fix this.
Still fucked.