Why Was the Recent Financial Crisis an 'Inside Job'?
The title of the thread is the question. I'm curious to hear what you guys have to say.
shareThe title of the thread is the question. I'm curious to hear what you guys have to say.
shareIt was an inside job, because Washington, the Federal Reserve, the banksters and Wall Street insiders caused the financial crisis ... and to this day those responsible have not been held accountable. Since most Americans are completely asleep at the wheel they will never be held accountable.
shareYou missed one - THE BORROWERS, Washington, the Federal Reserve, the banksters and Wall Street insiders caused the financial crisis...
Get a calculator improve your life.
~ metaphysical
The borrowers falls under Washington
shareYou remember the movie "The Sting"? About con artists inadvertently conning a courier working for the mob?
Wall Street is the criminal enterprise (the mob). The mortgage borrowers were only marks exploited by the banks and r/e brokers (the con artists).
And while there are many facts in this film about the disaster, the constant focus on Executive Compensation appeals to emotions and is part of the class warfare being waged in America today.
You do have a point about the hammering on executive compensation as being emotional. Compensation is rather trivial compared to the engineered looting conducted via financial algorithms.
After the little man taxpayer just bailed out the gambling debt of the financial elites, don't you DARE assert that class warfare waged by the rich upon the poor does not exist. The lower and middle class just got screwed. To the tune of 700 billion. I think its past time the lower classes wake up and shove back.
I did not care for the "Inside Job" title, which sounds rather conspiratorial, leading people down a similar path towards those well known allegations of 9/11 being a government exercise. The problem of the looting of the US treasury by financial elites, from housing fraud, to high frequency trading, to credit default swaps, is all VERY real by comparison. A nation of citizens is uneducated and asleep while the loot is being carried out and stuffed in the car trunk.
There is no class warfare being waged on the poor by the rich, for Christ's sake.
The lower middle class paid, and will pay, nothing for the bailout, they don't pay taxes. (46% of wage earners in America pay zero taxes.) They do, however, feel the effects in the economic downturn.
Greed and unregulated corporate excess led to the debacle. Those who sounded the alarm were hushed up or brutalized in public, then ignored.
Some in govt who could have done something were getting benefits from some of the key players, like Fannie Mae and Countrywide, and did NOTHING.
Some who spoke up were shouted down and called; racists (what else?).
Inside Job is a superficial look at an historical event in our country. It focuses on the trivial and only minimally covers the root causes which are unrestrained capitalism (which should surprise nobody)and a complicit political class.
The setup for the debacle was constructed during the Clinton Administration. And Greenspan and Bob Rubin and Larry Summers obstructed the one person who was concerned about one of the key issues, OTC derivatives. Brooksley Born at the CFTC saw the problem, predicted trouble, was proved right when LTCM failed, and then pushed aside, denied the legal right to investigate the OTC derivative market and ultimately resigned in frustration.
The Bush Administration did, basically, nothing. They just let the situation build and build. And the few pathetic attempts to look at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were rebuffed.
Franklin Raines did at Fannie Mae what Ken Lay did at Enron.
There is no class warfare being waged on the poor by the rich, for Christ's sake.
The Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000 opened up the commodities futures markets to rank speculation games played by the wealthy elites. The futures markets became a haven for rich people to gamble in. A casino of its own, if you will.
The migration of investment money into the futures markets was largely responsible for both bouts of $4 gasoline since 2000 when the CFMA became law. Read: The curious case of the supply defying rally in oil
EVERY TIME the poor and middle class fills up their gas tank, their wealth is BEING RE-DISTRIBUTED to the wealthy who are playing their gambling games.
The CFMA of 2000 is nothing but a prime example of CLASS WARFARE waged by the rich against the poor. The poor end up paying more for groceries because ALL commodities prices are unnaturally inflated (oil, wheat, coffee, cocoa, etc), and the rich take home their gambling winnings.
With every box of cereal purchased, every pound of coffee brewed, and every gallon of gas pumped, its nothing more than wealth re-distribution from the poor to the rich.
Not in the US, but there certainly is in the UK through this debacle.
How can it be.."not in the US?" I saw a stat about net worth which showed that Hispanics had a decline of 66% in net worth from 2005 to 2009 while black households' wealth declined 53 percent and whites saw a 16 percent decrease.
I think that's an incredible stat which shows how race and class are getting more and more stratified in the US. Class/race disparity is getting larger and larger. Not a good sign.