being painted as some kind of "innocent financial adviser"...I knew the movie was going to be full of deception. Choosing to put Soros in this, is like Bush Jr. choosing to appoint Henry Kissinger as the leader of the 9-11 Investigation Commission. Soros, like the slimeball Kissinger, is one of the biggest NWO pawns on the face of the planet.
I ended up watching the whole thing anyway. It wasn't bad, and was stuff I already knew, but as someone already's just a big distraction / propaganda fluff piece that was created to appease the masses and shut them up...while the robber-barons continue to rape this country blind.
I suppose this documentary is a good start for some, but it doesn't even come close to revealing who is really behind the subprime mortgage fraud and who is really running our government and all the central banks in the world.
it's just a big distraction / propaganda fluff piece that was created to appease the masses and shut them up...while the robber-barons continue to rape this country blind.
ya, I got that impression too. When I come out of a documentary I like to be fired up with facts and constructive action plans, heck even Michael Moore achieves that in me.
The evolution of documentary film-making: 60s-boring 70s-080s educational 90s-becoming efficient 2000s-documentary style taken over by corporations, showing "the other side" becomes harder to tell them apart, docs or advertising, hmm? 10s-New standard of confusion attained, documentary by self styled activist in fact serves the oppressors
...just like in the film when betting against our own clients, how poetic.
***So I've seen 4 movies/wk in theatre for a 1/4 century, call me crazy?** reply share
Well Mikey is a compeletly differnt "doc" maker from Ferguson as we can see. Mike likes to poke fun and get the dig in and be in your face. Ferguson knew hwo he is was dealing with I think, i.e. very how shall we say it "erudite", shrwed and wily money guys. They know how to wiggle out of a shark tank. Better to have the doc than not I say. Anyway so why doesn't Mikey get in on this???
I'm not entirely certain about that. I've seen a lot of people on these boards be so overwhelmed with anger and emotion about this film that they walk away, or next time won't bother to vote. When the oligarchy creates pieces that so depress the citizenry that the citizenry are too depressed to vote, that is exactly their plan. That is the reason so many already don't vote in the USA, they feel as if the oligarchy is so strong, so corrupt that voting won't matter anyway. It makes people feel small. It does not empower people. And politicians love this. It plays right into their hands, right into the status quo.
***So I've seen 4 movies/wk in theatre for a 1/4 century, call me crazy?**
I can see your points but I think it had to be done. The alternative is no information and correspondingly no anger at all. Frankly I guess what I fear is a capitulation where the citizenry suffer from unintelligibility of what is happening to them. And maybe you know where I'm going with this especially in Europe. When people go to sleep bad things happen. Voting yes is important but that is an effect of current trends and topics in the society. It can change on a dime I think when the times demand it. The key though is information. Without it I think a society is lost. Ferguson's work at the least gives some transparency to that ridiculously dangerous and arcane world called finance. Just my opinion.
"just a big distraction / propaganda fluff piece that was created to appease the masses and shut them up..."
I think you are speaking more to how it made you feel than how it affected other viewers. The average movie-goer will probably take something relevant away from this doc. He or she may not go out and riot in the street, but information is power. Some may feel beat-down and hopeless after watching this movie, but for those that value their convictions and believe in them-- (reference the entire Middle East right now), this movie is a start.
You're right. I said that because this film barely scratches the surface of what's really going on. It was a slam on the people who created the documentary, not the viewers. "The Powers That Be" don't want anyone to know the real truth of how our financial system they allow puff pieces like this to be put out.
I think most of the stuff in this documentary wasn't all that earth-shattering for the average person. But when you start getting into how TPTB manipulate the currency markets and commodities the shake out that happened in gold, silver, and oil last week...that's when it gets interesting.
"The Powers That Be" don't want anyone to know the real truth of how our financial system operates...
Well a little light shown yesterday where that fellow raj Raj"etc" was convicted of insider trading. He's probably not the only one but unfortunately for him he got caught. It intrigues me if that, i.e insider trading, is the biggest concern of financial watchdogs rather than how the financial/investing system operates now. Probably the largest change in the markets is the inclusion of technology where trades can be made now in milliseconds. Some argue now that it is a "few" who run the markets and consequently individual investors have no chance to keep up with them.
"but it doesn't even come close to revealing who is really behind the subprime mortgage fraud and who is really running our government and all the central banks in the world."