Capitalism: A flawed system
First of all the buck stops here, the ultimate blame for this Worldwide Financial collapse was me, you, and everybody who was blinded by greed. When the father of capitalism, Adam Smith, says that greed is the ultimate engine of capitalism, you know that this system is flawed.
We are all responsible, not only were the bankers greedy for exploiting a broken system to make money, but the people who burrowed the money were greedy for making those loans which they couldn't pay. Also the investors and the rating offices were greedy to manipulate this loaning scheme to make more money. While the government that we elect to represent us, was or chose to be ignorant through deregulation of the whole scheme, just as the average person was and still is of the financial situation. Everybody had a part in it, and although some were more responsible than others, it would of only taken one part of the system to stop this economic collapse from happening.
The problem is that this world is controlled by Corporate America, they have manage to hide this modern empire by using their ultimate weapon, economy. Why bother controlling multiple countries with armies, when you can as easily do by controlling their economies, which is what now drives a country in prosperity or chaos. With america companies not only highjacking foreign countries but also America, we hold our destiny to the choices of a few CEO's monopolizing the market. Just as those few CEO recently manage to bring all major economic sectors into a world wide depression.
Capitalism like any system before is flawed, but the problem is that our education system in America and culture thinks its either a perfect system or at least a needed system for economic prosperity. The problem is that while there is capitalism in a civilization, true democracy will never flourish. We have seen the problems of what political corruption can bring to the world through the war worlds, now we begin to see what the economical corruption can bring to the world. The sad part is that this is only the beginning as what they did was simple negligence and ignorance of the consequences of their actions. If they could cause this by mistake imagine what they can cause if they actually knew what they were doing, and we have made few to none actions to prevent a full scale corporal corruption of the world.