Some good points and some bad
A good point of the movie is to show that the discipline of economics is moot and ideologically biased. The economics departments just produce front line troops for the big corporations. A bad point is that it makes "greedy" individuals the source of the problems. It fails to see that there is an inherent error in the system that is causing this kind of things. With increasing profits caused by ever increasing productivity thanks to new technology, and with real wages held at constant levels, there is an excess of money among those who own means of production (i.e. people who don't work but who magically earn money from the work of other people). An increased supply of money makes interest rates go down.
Essentially it comes down to let's say a worker making 10 hamburgers a day, while getting paid 5 and borrowing 3 to survive. If he were to claim 9 hamburgers the owners would just call the cops/military and have him arrested, there are lots of unemployed to employ in his place. This is capitalism in a nutshell.
Unfortunately, the ever repeating and increasing crises of capitalist society gets explained by mistakes made by individuals. That way capitalism is incapable of handling its own crises. Every attempt at a solution just ends in yet another even worse crisis.
No crisis is caused by regulation vs anti-regulation issues, the crisis is of capitalism itself.