How can they treat Barney Frank as a good guy?!
Barney Frank is the guy who supported Freddy Mac and Fannie Mae (two non-free market government created institutions) that were at the center of this housing bubble that kicked off the economic bubble. He actually rebuffed George W. Bush's attempts to investigate some early problems that were happening with these institutions.
The movie doesn't even mention that Herb Moses, a senior executive at Fanny Mae, was Frank's lover. Nor does it mention Fanny Mae contributed a whopping $40,000 to Frank's campaigns.
And what about the Federal Reserve? They are at the epicenter of the current financial mess. (The solution is what Ron Paul has been advocating for a long time, which is a return to sound money, and allowing free-market money via competing currencies.)
How are we supposed to take this movie seriously? It seems like misdirection rather than a serious attempt to pinpoint the root problems with the financial system.