MovieChat Forums > Inside Job (2010) Discussion > Who wants to join my group?

Who wants to join my group?

We are going to make a list of all of the *beep* who played a part in this and on a specific day systematically kill all of them. These people are worse than serial killers, and even have less remorse for their crimes. The sad thing is, we all know who these people are and do nothing about it. They may have all the money in the world, but that money isn't bulletproof.


Who's with you in the group already? hehe - well why kill them right away, I mean rounding them up is difficult enough, then we need a place to incarcerate them, secretly, like the CIA does here in eastern europe, and through various torture methods get them to "rat" on their fellow serial robbers... Start from there I'd say - get that in place first.

Kidding aside I share your (Rachegedanken's) sentiments, but this needs to be organized very well, and the world obviously favors the greedy cowards, predators, especially near the top of the pyramide.



You'd have to do it all at once, otherwise they'd catch on to you and kill you. I am not being 100% serious obviously, but I do wish someone would organize something like this and murder all of these pricks. You know none of them are ever going to pay for what they did to the world. Not only have not received any punishment they have been given massive rewards.


When one person makes a claim like this, it is "psychopathic," and that person will go to jail.

When one person gathers thousands or hundreds of thousands to do it, it is a "revolution."

I would suggest starting by not posting about it on the Internet.


The thing is...I am really lazy ;)


Are you a cop Rach? (thought so).

Asks a simple guy who frequently fantasizes about who best to bite after a visably foaming rabid coyote sinks fangs deep into his soft tushy.

'Inside Job' suggests the greater Amurican region is a target rich environment.

#All the best suspects already dead ?? Cool, then let God sort'em out




Siggy (from Joss Whedon's mahvelous Dr Horrible's Singalong Blog).. "With my freeze ray I will Stop the world."


Dur doesn't mean duh to me...more like a sound a simpleton would make when they don't understand something.


You don't say, hmmm.. but that's not necessarily a good sign.

As any professional law enforcement professional knows (dur) in this country y'all can't send to prison for life / throw away the key ordinary net denizens responding to entrapment from a government officer denying their day job is law enforcement.

Confirmed by untold trite broadcast tv shows. Shucks, come ON, you're supposed to know this already. Worst case scenario.. you already are up to speed letter and verse, trolling for victims.

Will the jury please observe "Rachegedanken" has so far gone out of his way to distract from his refusal to say plainly he's NOT a cop.. in spite of beginning of thread inflamatory language invited criminal acts.

Deny you're a cop, or get right out of Dodge / inviting murder from YT land.

We are going to make a list of all of the *beep* who played a part in this and on a specific day systematically kill all of them. These people are worse than serial killers, and even have less remorse for their crimes. The sad thing is, we all know who these people are and do nothing about it. They may have all the money in the world, but that money isn't bulletproof.

#PS: All Them Thieving Bastards Getting Sent To HELL Would Be Grrrreat!


CJay I am assuming that English is not your first language...
