Thanks for being gullible!
People who are buying into the message in this movie are doing *exactly* what the big bankers want you to do. Their nightmare would be:
1. To have to compete against start-up banks and each other in a free market
2. When their ill-advised loans fall through, in a free market no one would bail them out and they would actually face the possibility of losing money.
They want neither of these. What they want is a system that locks out competition and gives them a no-lose situation where even if their loans fail, the government taxpayer has their backs.
This movie is their piece of propaganda. They will pretend it is against their wishes and say, "Oh, please don't regulate us!" Meanwhile, they work pen in hand with legislators to make sure the legislation freezes out competition and perpetuates the status quo.
Their worst nightmare is a free market system which would allow competition among the banks, allow new entrants into the industry, and no one to bail them out. The Freddy Kruger in their nightmares isn't someone like Barney Frank, it's Ron Paul.
You can tell this movie is the ruling class explanation for the financial disaster because it is being pushed into the school curriculum and teachers are showing this movie to their students. This is playing right into the bankers wishes. There are two explanations as to the economic failure: not enough regulations, and the other explanation is that there was too much government interference. They really don't want people to think too hard about the second possibility.