Obama's 'change'?

Not sure if this has been discussed in another thread. Just let me know if it has.

This movie raised an interesting question on Obama's staff. Why did the President appointed the same wall street crooks that got the US (and the rest of the world) into this mess?

I'm not at all an expert on this matter, not being an American myself, but if this film provides somewhat accurate information, the US gouvernment is way too corrupted and, even worse, allows itself to be like that time and again.

Any thoughts?


I guess the textbook answer would be that he wanted to appease Republicans and not rock the boat too much, so to speak.

My own inclination is that Obama is not the person that people voted for. He now represents the status quo and the Establishment. And you're right, our government is inexorably corrupt. Obama is most certainly not immune from this corruption. I'm sure you will find numerous examples of this from his days in Chicago.


I know this will be maybe a bit of pandering, but I think Obama is still learning the ropes of Washington DC. Bush himself adopted "compassionate conservatism" to reflect the reality of DC, even though I hardly consider it a core value in GOP. However, with the recent moves to do recess appointments while Senate is "questionably" on recess (the "not on recess" being purely political, playing around with the Senate rules act by GOP, in my opinion) I think he is taking a firmer hand at avoid the political bickering and short-changing that everyone hates about Congress.


If you go even deeper into why Obama might be doing the same things, it's because the ruling elites who control this shell game all come from elite universities like Harvard. You'll notice a few things: 1. The producers of this propaganda are absolutely pushing the message that the big bankers want (see message here: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1645089/board/thread/197798231. 2. Harvard is the school of the ruling elites, including the big bankers who fund the institution. They teach Keynesian economics, which is a philosophy that says the poor and middle class should give their wealth to elites, who know how to spend it best for them via government. 3. Obama comes from Harvard, as does Matt Damon.

So to me, Obama's actions and the message in this film, plus Matt Damon's involvement are not really surprising. They are all working together to perpetuate the status quo, which is beneficial to the ruling elites.


Huh? Are you trying to confuse us even further? And of course, it has to be a thread you posted. I do not trust that guy who "wholeheartedly agrees with you" either.

Would you have us believe the situation is more than presented here?


"If you go even deeper into why Obama might be doing the same things, it's because the ruling elites who control this shell game " ARE the same people. The ruling elite didn't change because the government heads did; that's the sole reason.

There's a big difference between bad legislation and fair regulations, and the former, which is what's happened and is happening, is not a valid argument for not having the latter, as you seem to suggest. Did you even read that article you posted on your thread you link to? What over-simplified crap! You trust a writer who can't even spell "USA"?

The USA's regulatory approach is a farce as it relies on a complex network of institutions which contradict/compete against one another--this is the aspect US bankers want; not sound regulations, which actually scares the hell out of them!

Canada, on the other hand, has become a global model for efficient and fair regulations; thus why we weathered the economic crash better than nearly everyone else and we've outperformed all international peers. Because of our extremely fair, streamlined regulatory system, our bank's well-diversified organizations combined with investment banks needing to be backed by solid deposit-taking institutions, as well as our Bank Act which is reviewed and updated every five years, the World Economic Forum has ranked Canada’s banking system as the most sound in the world five years in a row, and counting...


I'm an American and a liberal but I can tell you that the Clinton administration's tacit complicity AND the Obama administration's apparent "blind eye" indicated by his appointments did NOT go unnoticed by me. I'm very glad that this did not go unnoticed by the film makers either.

The answer might lie in what was stated by an economist (whose name eludes me) when asked the same question about the Obama appointments. He said "It's a Wall Street government."

So, pardon my cynicism but if that is the case, then I believe that the majority of US citizens are basically *beep*


The financial sectors are so powerful and influencial, nothing can happen without their approval. No politician can be elected without some sort of compromise with the lobbyists for Wall Street. Obama is a seasoned politician, he is aware that those nominees were the best compromise who would be confirmed.



Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan are 2 of Obama's biggest contributors.

You've got to get even with Jerry Hathaway;it's a moral imperative!-REAL GENIUS


Because campaign finance laws in this country are terrible so banksters are essentially able to donate as much money to an election as they want. The candidate can't turn down the money, since it is extremely difficult to win with such a large spending gap.

Then you have the lobbyists who have massive influence in DC. Even if you ignore the lobbyists, you can't ignore the people who don't if you want to get anything passed (like a controversial health care bill.)

Required reading for theater patrons:
