"If you go even deeper into why Obama might be doing the same things, it's because the ruling elites who control this shell game " ARE the same people. The ruling elite didn't change because the government heads did; that's the sole reason.
There's a big difference between bad legislation and fair regulations, and the former, which is what's happened and is happening, is not a valid argument for not having the latter, as you seem to suggest. Did you even read that article you posted on your thread you link to? What over-simplified crap! You trust a writer who can't even spell "USA"?
The USA's regulatory approach is a farce as it relies on a complex network of institutions which contradict/compete against one another--this is the aspect US bankers want; not sound regulations, which actually scares the hell out of them!
Canada, on the other hand, has become a global model for efficient and fair regulations; thus why we weathered the economic crash better than nearly everyone else and we've outperformed all international peers. Because of our extremely fair, streamlined regulatory system, our bank's well-diversified organizations combined with investment banks needing to be backed by solid deposit-taking institutions, as well as our Bank Act which is reviewed and updated every five years, the World Economic Forum has ranked Canada’s banking system as the most sound in the world five years in a row, and counting...