Home owners are NOT to blame for the collapse
I can´t believe that so many people are placing blame on the homeowners as if they had any responsibility about this.
As the documentary correctly points out. For 40 years after The Great Depression, were no global crisis like this one. With all the Government regulation that was placed, banks made responsible loans to people that could afford them. If they didn´t, the loans were not given. Pure and simple.
After deregulation, the financial system began this complex loan system that many of them did not quite understand and started granting loans to people they knew could not afford.
But how could the average joe know? For decades, we always thought that banks would not give loans to people that could not afford it. The banks, accountants and economic advisers are the ones who have the "know-how" about it, not the average joe.
The documentary did not blame homeowners because:
1. They did not benefit from this like the people in Wallstreet
2. They were duped by those with knowledge.
Pure and simple.