MovieChat Forums > Inside Job (2010) Discussion > Before this movie came out, Inside Job r...

Before this movie came out, Inside Job referred mostly to something else

Before this movie came out, Inside Job referred mostly to conspiracy theories relating to the terrorist attacks of 9/11.

Now, a google search for Inside Job brings up scores of results about this Charles Ferguson documentary before any mention of suspected US complicity in the events that arguably constituted a New Pearl Harbour, allowing for the invasion of two countries and the implementation of the Patriot Act.

Was this title chosen with the definite purpose of diverting attention from the meaning which was prevalent until the movie came out in 2010 ?


Don't be an idiot.

Inside job simply means a crime that was committed by or with the people working for the robbed employer.

Stepping over what now towers to the sky
With no connection...

-The Shins (Phantom Limb)
