MovieChat Forums > Inside Job (2010) Discussion > Why I don't think the CEO's should of gi...

Why I don't think the CEO's should of given their wealth back

First off I'm not one to side with these people. I understand lots of people in the market AND the government were corrupt, ignorant and greedy. However I feel that the faith and institution of starting a business lays in feeling confident to take a risk. Many people start small businesses under the assurance that by incorporating they can protect themselves personally and feel confident in starting a business. Knowing if their idea doesn't work they won't personally lose everything. Of course there are people who take advantage of this but in order to protect those honest people who want to create honest businesses those CEO's had to keep their wealth.

We can't have faith in a system that will apply rules and protections to some and not others. Either everyone is personally liable for their business or no one is.

It goes along the same line as cops and politicians are not suppose to be above the law and can be prosecuted for the same offenses as a regular citizen.

Yes I understand in the "real world" it doesn't always pan out that way, but I use it just as an example for why I believe it would of been improper to expect the CEO's to give back their money.

They were just smarter this time. It wasn't right and really the best thing that would make this whole crisis not be in vain is if laws and regulations could be put into place to prevent this from happening again.

At least until some new smart people figure out a new way to screw others over. And then the cycle repeats itself.

As a human being I certainly can understand how when you are offered life changing amounts of money to mess with numbers that have no attachment to a life in front of your eyes it is easy to do this.

I feel like it would be harder to physically shoplift from a Mom and Pop store then to bankrupt them from a computer a 1000 miles away. Especially if you are told you'd make $1 million by doing it. It's the disconnection that was really the culprit here.

I was compelled to write this because I've been taking many business classes in school for a business degree in computer science and started to realize that human psychology is really the basis of all forms of business and economic classes.

Money, value, worth, laws, power... all of it is made up. It's only whatever enough of us decide to agree it is.

"Common sense is not so common"


I'm torn on this because the way it was presented they used the bailout(tax payer) money to fund some of these bonuses. To me those specific incidents should be considered eligible to be charged for reimbursement...


It might make a point to know that just the bonuses of those on Wall St. was more money than everyone working for minimum wage in America, all put together.
