MovieChat Forums > Ancient Aliens (2009) Discussion > AA: what could have been told in ONE sea...

AA: what could have been told in ONE season (with LOTS of filler)...

has been strung out to 9 seasons. Aliens and chocolate cake/Aliens and your mutha/Aliens invented band aids? etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc
They GRASP AT STRAWS so much it becomes embarrassing


Haha yeah, i have to say that i still like the show a lot, mostly because it is one of the few shows that i know of that dont use "found footage", or send people out on a literal ghost hunt with nothing to show for (big surprise).
Not that i actually watch shows about those subjects, my interests are in Space and Aliens when it comes to the "out there" theories.

But i am disappointed in the lack of depth or credible variations in their theories and angles.
Linking Aliens to Japanese Sword makers, or a "mysterious forest" in Japan called Suicide Forest or something, that is just rather... weird and unnecessary.
Why not join active dig sites and come up with theories to follow up on any findings, even if those theories are laughable, at least they are moving forward in some way.
Thats why i also liked Tsoukalos's In Search of Aliens, it at least tried to portray being out there in the field of discoveries, so i like it when AA does the same, David Childress' dive was hilarious and interesting at the same time.

Its too bad that their reputation is this bad, i would have loved to see some actual out of the box science shows, without explosions every second, but i guess it is hard to get people to seriously invest in crazy scientists.
I'd like to see a new mature Bill Nye show about what is possible.
It is a pity that science moves so slow, Through the Wormhole ran out of Alien possibilities pretty fast too, at this point, it is inevitable to rehash things.

But it would be nice if the rehashing contained more credible angles, because if apes and birds can use and create tools, why would Japanese sword making somehow be more special? It is not like swords didnt already exist long before that, chronologically it just doesnt make any sense.
It denies credit for human skills while at the same time they take for granted (or ignore) that primates out in the woods can use tools to make a difference too.

It undermines any credibility that they already have in sparse quantity.
Which makes me feel that the show's initial integrity is hard to find, to say it politely. But i think most of the speakers on the show speak for themselves.

But yeah, the first season was the most interesting, Angels can easily be swapped with Aliens, it doesnt actually answer anything in the bigger picture, but i am ok with dwelling on that for a while. These straws are frivolous distractions on an already frivolous show.


Yea I liked watching it at first but the more I watch it the less I like it. Way too repetetive and they use the least credible people ever!


I really enjoyed the first 2 seasons then they aired the Bigfoot episode and they started rehashing previous shows so I bailed. I find it interesting to think about.
