This show is for the un-educated simpletons that will buy into this garbage.
Watch Aliens Aliens debunked and read Jason Colavito's reviews of this crap!
This show is for the un-educated simpletons that will buy into this garbage.
Watch Aliens Aliens debunked and read Jason Colavito's reviews of this crap!
I am highly educated, and I find the show entertaining. I think roughly 90% of what they talk about is basically a science fiction writers wet dream, but still entertaining nonetheless :)
shareI agree, i wouldnt say that i am highly educated or something, but sensible enough to know that they are talking about really big "what if"s.
I watched the debunked docu, but the debunker isnt without an agenda himself either, besides i was never convinced by Ancient Aliens to start with.
I was disappointed at the lack of diversity or depth of the subject material on Ancient Aliens, but i still like the show a lot, it is still one of the rare shows out there that deal with the Alien topics.
Shows like Through the Wormhole and Curiosity, Nova etc., all deal with it in very small doses, so i am happy to tune in every week for a new AA episode for my Alien fix.
I think roughly 90% of what they talk about is basically a science fiction writers wet dream, but still entertaining nonetheless :)
This show is for the un-educated simpletons that will buy into this garbage.
Entertaining stuff. Some of the ¨REAL¨ history stuff is interesting. Love the speakers. Begs the question, does everything have to be proven scientific fact? Just fun stuff to stimulate the imagination & ask, What if?
Certainly nothing I teach to my science students, but sometimes I´ll bring up some of the episodes for them. Making sure they understand this stuff is almost pure conjecture. Fun to see hear their thoughts & beliefs. Makes for a stimulating conversation.
~^~ YES! It Really IS Me. ~^~
This show is for the un-educated simpletons that will buy into this garbage.
My conventional education is 2 Bachelor degrees. However, when I went to college/University; I didn't go for a degree, I earned an education. There is a difference.
Asking "What if?" & "How?" advances our understanding of the world around us.
Watching Ancient Aliens gives me information I wouldn't get any other way. For example, Pyramid in Alaska, potentially more Pyramids in Egypt, Yamaguni, Sunken city in India found, water Erosion on the Sphinx, and ect. . .
Ancient Aliens is the focus of the show and the marketing portion of keeping the show on. Yet, Ancient Aliens has elements of ancient civilization in it. For example, evidence of an atomic blast in India, Missing Pyramids (Alaska & Egypt), Carved out underground living space for a large population of humans (Turkey & China), helicopter & light bulb hieroglyphs in Egypt; Skulls in Peru (I think) which are larger than ours, weigh more, have openings for nerves/blood vessels, and ect. . .
Ancient Aliens is the only show with such a variety. There is usually at least one thing in each episode that I didn't know or an update on previous material.
The nightly news is for the uneducated and is laughable to me. Same format every day: Flood/Fire/Earthquake, Terrorist, Police abuse of power problems, then a dog or cat that saved its owner's life.
by bbriddell » ...The nightly news is for the uneducated and is laughable to me.