MovieChat Forums > Ancient Aliens (2009) Discussion > Scientists just don't get it

Scientists just don't get it

Scientists cannot comprehend that they are not the arbiters of what people believe to be true. This may have been the case a hundred years ago but that time has passed.

People are happy to leave the design and building of bridges, planes and power stations to scientists but we now believe that an individual has the right to believe whatever he or she likes. We do not have to adhere to the Scientific Method if we don't want to.

For example, if someone chooses to believe that all knowledge exists within our minds and can be attained through meditation, he has the right to believe that.

The idea that people have the right to choose what they believe is held by a majority of the World's population. Scientists seem unable to perceive that modern society no longer dances to their tune.

Want evidence of this? How about 73 successful episodes of Ancient Aliens.


Not sure about the others, but I consider it on the same level as Jersey Shore. My documentary guilty pleasure. I watch because it makes me laugh. I don't believe this stuff. Your argument is only as strong as your weakest theory. There are some pretty weak ones.

I live for the moment Giorgio Tsoukalos says something akin to: Was it a giant flying serpent? OF COURSE NOT! THEY DON'T EXIST. Therefore calling people who assume something outlandish silly, yet then demands to be taken seriously in saying bigfoot is an alien. Not to mention the entire premise of stacking shaky evidence on top of unsubstantiated evidence. It's like building a house of cards on a raft.


Agreed! I watch it because it is hilarious!


Not everyone watches this show because they believe it, in fact, lots of people watch it for the polar opposite reason; they watch it ironically.

I've never had a scientist show up to my door wanting to tell me about quirks or solar nebula. I'm not sure where you're being accosted by these scientists.

It is socially acceptable to believe in ridiculous things like Jesus is one version of the god head and only by him dying as a man could be people redeemed; or that Mohammed rode pegasus to paradise; or that god handed a dude a list of things not to do and then those people carried it around for centuries, built a shrine for it, and then it just vanished So, of course people are allowed to believe that moon men came and built pyramids.

And, this perverse view that Scientists are pied pipers demanding people dance is one of the strangest things I've read recently. plus, it sure seems like a faulty premise that people were more akin to find truth in science a hundred years ago than they are now.


I watch the show for the Historical facts. (Even if some of the 'facts' have not been proven) It tempts my love of the Human past, & spurs my imagination. That's all I ask of this show.

"All Games Contain The Concept Of Death"


by tbx5959 » Not everyone watches this show because they believe it, in fact, lots of people watch it for the polar opposite reason; they watch it ironically.

I've never had a scientist show up to my door wanting to tell me about quirks or solar nebula. I'm not sure where you're being accosted by these scientists.

It is socially acceptable to believe in ridiculous things like Jesus is one version of the god head and only by him dying as a man could be people redeemed; or that Mohammed rode pegasus to paradise; or that god handed a dude a list of things not to do and then those people carried it around for centuries, built a shrine for it, and then it just vanished So, of course people are allowed to believe that moon men came and built pyramids.

And, this perverse view that Scientists are pied pipers demanding people dance is one of the strangest things I've read recently. plus, it sure seems like a faulty premise that people were more akin to find truth in science a hundred years ago than they are now.

And yet how many ironically watching, self-proclaimed part-time scientist, "skeptics" on this message board are there whose "scientific" method for discussing this subject matter apparently relies 99.9% on mocking/ridiculing/discrediting/dismissing EVERYthing that is proposed on this show and EVERYone who posts here who even considers such a theory to be possible?

I won't go as far as you unnecessarily did and call your view of what actually happens on this message board "perverse", but I will say that it certainly is convenient.



by Stanley_Spadowski » You call that a rebuttal? There's no rational argument in what you wrote. It's pure, unadulterated cry baby whine.

You call that a rebuttal? There's no rational argument in what you wrote. It's pure, unadulterated cry baby whine.



by Stanley_Spadowski » ...Basically, he is a saprophite who needs to suck thoughts off of other members because he has none that he can claim as his own. kettle.

Thank you though...considering your posting history of unoriginal we have the specific label for you.

Stanley_Spazowski the Saprophite.

How about we just refer to you from here on out as S_S_S (alternate version - Same_$#!+_Stanley ) for short?




It's the only bullet he has.

I have yet to experience personally or have ever heard anyone but the Op complain about these damn scientists making people dance. In fact, it's such a damn weird world view that I can't even wrap my head around it. It also is quite strange that those that find it laughable that Aliens imparted wisdom/built things/killed-off the dinosaurs, etc are the ones being derided as the pseudo-scientists; meanwhile the guys on this show exclaim how straight angles are and then a t square protrudes out a couple degrees. I guess once you go through the rabbit hole, you come out and say Bad bye.


by tbx5959 » It's the only bullet he has.

I have yet to experience personally or have ever heard anyone but the Op complain about these damn scientists making people dance. In fact, it's such a damn weird world view that I can't even wrap my head around it. It also is quite strange that those that find it laughable that Aliens imparted wisdom/built things/killed-off the dinosaurs, etc are the ones being derided as the pseudo-scientists; meanwhile the guys on this show exclaim how straight angles are and then a t square protrudes out a couple degrees. I guess once you go through the rabbit hole, you come out and say Bad bye
What some find damn weird and quite strange is that people who go so far out of their way to disagree with the possibilities presented on this show 99.99% of the time voice that disagreement in the form of mocking/ridiculing/discrediting/dismissing comments (same as you've just done) meant to imply "weird"ness and "strange"ness in those who are simply more open-minded to such possibilities.

And that you're now trying to suggest that people who don't always automatically defer to mainstream scientists are now the people who are directing the term "pseudo-scientists" at anyone is one of the most disingenuous, slight-of-hand comments you've made yet.



by Stanley_Spadowski » It's not the possibilities they are disagreeing with...

Speaking of delusions, you're ONCE AGAIN trying to classify me as a "believer" (re: "you alienists", "you guys") just so you have someone to spew your same old argument at.

It's only "you skeptics" who without fail seem to resort to NOT POSSIBLE comments. It's too hard for you to actually be open-minded in your research, because that might lead you to the unsavory conclusion that you don't know everything.



by Stanley_Spadowski » You must be a believer.

Sounds like you're getting more and more desperate with that one.

But, where's your proof?

It takes more than you repeating it over and over and over and over again to ACTUALLY make it true.

You're obviously welcome to keep wasting your time TRYING though.

Maybe you could also try putting on some ruby slippers as you're saying it?



Annnnd you STILL don't understand.



by Stanley_Spadowski » I understand that by saying "pot meet kettle" (which isn't even close to the original saying) you acknowledge you are a troll.

You'd have to admit you're grasping at straws when you're resorting to arguing semantics over exactly how the original saying is worded. Even you seemed to know exactly what I was talking about even though I didn't use the exact wording.

What's next, are you going to start marking my comments for punctuation and spelling?



I think I watch it mainly cause it allows me to broaden my imagination ( writing sci/fi and fantasy myself ), and it is entertaining. Even though there is a lot of highly unlikely theories in this show, there are things that could be true for all we know. But the thing about this show, is that it combines science, fantasy, superstition, folklore into one.
Some of the people in there, are true scientists, then there are people like... Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, well... yeah, it will all sound a bit out there.

Science is very real, but take this show for what it is. A stimulation of the mind, to be entertained, make ya smile and all:)


Id have to agree with you on this.
I like this show a lot, but do i think theyre really onto something? Not really.
But it is a nice and entertaining way to keep the creative juices flowing.

You could watch anime for unexpected deep thoughts and outlandish designs too, but the squeaky voices and romances are a major turn off, or watch a poorly acted series with plot holes.
I'd rather watch a bunch of mature people talk about it on a show like this.

Comparing angels to Aliens doesnt exactly shake our foundations, neither are anywhere to be seen and it doesnt expand on the question of life any further, it basically moves the question from one solution to the other, but at least its more stimulating on a creative level for me.
Their own ideas have far more shaky foundations, like making connections between zombies, suicide forests and nazis etc. with Aliens, ah well, i just watch them for the footage, but those episodes dont quite get me excited, although the movie Iron Skies is like a funny take on some of these theories.

Im also not exactly a fan of "scientists" as it is often used nowadays, people try to back their little ideas with saying: "scientists say...", but that does not always mean that their ideas are groundbreaking or anything that nobody already knew.
For example, how chemicals and emotions work in our bodies or questions like "what is reality?".
As much as it is scientific fact, its very much into-the-box thinking, some people learn from it, but its basically common sense wrapped in a scientific package.

But there are some things that i believe but cant prove, like, i think evolution is in some way enhanced by the power of thought.
That evolution is not just a random process, but also slowly put together by the wishes of the individual life forms.
Generation upon generation with the same deep rooted wishes might affect the body in a way. Getting closer to being able to tackle obstacles and shaping themselves to be more fit for the tasks.
I dont think that every evolutionary step was a random mutation like scientists say.

Anyway, i dont specifically need broadening of imagination but this show still comes close to things id like to see discussed, even though i might not agree on the conclusion.


I would say you're the one that doesn't get it.

This show is ridiculous with logical fallacies abound. To base your defence of this series on the premise that "people can believe whatever they want", like it somehow gives it validity simply because you chose to believe it is moronic. Only an idiot continues to believe something that's been proven to him to be decisively false.

"We do not have to adhere to the Scientific Method if we don't want to." You're basically saying you have no interest in facts, evidence or the truth and chose to believe the nonsense perpetuated on this show just because you like the idea of it. That's what we call being irrational and delusional.

I hate to break it to you but the truth is not subjective. Something is either true or it isn't and in the case of this show it's been proven to be completely false on 90% of its claims. Most of which someone with even basic critical thinking skills can refute on their own.



I would say you're the one that doesn't get it.

Thanks for this. I was going to post something similar, but I'm glad to see someone already called him on it.


Want evidence of this? How about 73 successful episodes of Ancient Aliens.

How about the dumbing down of America. The last thing any government wants is a "thinking" public.

What is TRUTH?




Scientists cannot comprehend that they are not the arbiters of what people believe to be true. This may have been the case a hundred years ago but that time has passed.

What makes you think it was a hundred years ago?


i think the word "scientists" needs to be swapped out for "religion". it's religion that claims to have all the answers tied up in a bag and all figured out, not science. scientists are out to prove (with evidence) rather than prosthelytize on the nature of things with no evidence.

much as i get a kick out of this show, it's more like a religion than a science.


You'll never get to take my beliefs away. My most holy belief is that I believe that I thoroughly enjoy ridiculing people like you.


Scientists DO get it. No one has ever discussed that people have the right to be wrong.
