MovieChat Forums > Terra Nova (2011) Discussion > A problem with gravity on Terra Nova

A problem with gravity on Terra Nova

The humans here are portrayed in Earths past, during times when huge prehistoric reptiles were still roaming the countryside.

During this time, some these reptiles had too much weight to be alive at all in today's society, because today's gravity would literally crush their bones, and they would just collapse. I don't see the humans jumping around like it's the moon, floating up into the air a little bit, not that gravity would be quite like the moon, it would be just a little bit heavier, however this show portrays them as being in today's normal earth gravity, which seems to me to be completely unrealistic.

I think this is the shows biggest failing. The inability to portray the earth and its gravity properly, as I would have really liked to have seen the attempt. In stead, the show skips past the things which really matter in a show where you travel to this time. I am aware of suspension of disbelief, but what a missed opportunity to get people who are knowledgeable about such things tuning in, however the TV network simply guesses the average viewer not to know or care I guess.


What are you talking about? Gravitational pull depend on mass of an object, in which Earth is this massive since its formation and heavy bombardment - it getting a little bit heavier as meteors hit Earth everyday but that is irrelevant since it's just a grain of sand compare to Earth's mass.



You ve got ur science wrong..


There's little difference between the gravitational pull now and what it would have been 85 million years in the past. Now the planet would have more mass and be more dense, therefore the same amount of mass would be heavier today than it would in the past but not a huge difference.

Whatever makes you imagine that the dinosaurs were too heavy to walk around without falling over is incorrect. They were here and they lived and died for a hundred million years. Denial of the facts doesn't make them untrue.


The gravity was the same... Earth was the same size. What however would change is the amount of oxygen. It would kill anyone or any animals we took there because it would be so high in continent. That's what allowed animals then to get so big.


Couldn't humans be slowly acclimated to higher oxygen levels before they transferred to the (past)? Divers can load up on oxygen before free-diving, and military pilots breath pure oxygen sometimes...


US astronauts breathed pure oxygen until the Shuttle program. They didn't die.


This was just some guy trolling. Gravity in the past was no lighter than the present. The earth's mass has not changed in any significant amount in 300 million years.

Guide-X just is making fun of all the other comments on why the show failed.

--If the popo rolls up the first calls to your lawyer, not your mom. Decriminalize blueberries!



Stupid question. He clearly did.


The earth gains an estimated 10^5 kg of mass per day by sweeping up cosmic junk on or near its orbit. But since the mass of the earth is about 6 x 10^24 kg, that increment will never be noticed in an effect on acceleration of gravity.

The difference between the acceleration of gravity at the earth's poles versus at the equator is much greater, but even that has no effect on our lives.

Send lawyers, Glocks, and money!


Seriously, it's a sci-fi tv-serie, not reality. It's about the idea of living in that time period. Would you serieusly have liked the serie if people would jump around all the time? If you want realistic, go watch a documentary on discovery channel.

It really bothers me when people are complaining about this kind of stupid stuff.

If we can't live together, we're going to die alone!


It really bothers me when people are complaining about this kind of stupid stuff.

If we can't live together, we're going to die alone!

Unless you're advocating for the end of the world you might want to change your sig


the science on this show is spotty at best.

1) 85 million years ago the Earth was CO2 Rich not oxygen rich which is why the plants were a plenty and HUGE. the Co2 rich nature of the atmosphere would make it colder not hotter because Co2 is a poor insulator of heat, how it is considered a greenhouse gas I will never know.

2) Humans going from a low O2 environ to a High O2 environ does not make them spaz out with convulsions as it is depicted in the show, if anything they would start to feel better of their illnesses, their bodies would actually start to heal quicker then what they consider "normal" Just look up Hyperbaric Therepy if you want to know how having "oxygen" treatments can heal wounds.

3) the one thing they did get right, was that in this new environ the food would have to be slowly introduced to, but that is due to microbiotics NOT enzymes as they stated in the show, basically to get used to the food produced in that soil and in that environ, you would have to slowly introduce small amounts of the indigenous microbiotics to populate your gut flora.

Just as a commentary though about the premise, the entire series assumes that overpopulation was the source of all the woes of the future, and that by controlling population that would somehow make available resources that are otherwise strained.

First off that is patently not true, resources in society today are limited by the fact that people WITH guns and power keep it from those who don't, secondly, money those that do can buy things like food, those that don't starve, and even infrastructure, people who are literally not where the food IS ranks higher as a reason for shortages of resources then overpopulation is.

the show is a great propaganda piece for Agenda 21, because it represents the Malthusian Catastrophe in such detail, I can understand how they spent ALOT of money getting the depiction down. Does it make a good set piece for a good dystopian story, sure, does it accurately represent reality and what would happen, HECK NO, but then again it's not supposed to. However we all know, that is exactly what people will take away from this, and viewers and commenters alike should be aware of that.

As far as the design for the Terra Nova colony, did no one think to bring power tools along, how about a better method of power generation like say a Thorium reactor, both Solar and Wind power have proven to be grossly inefficient while nuclear power has shown to be extremely efficient

But oh yeah, Nuclear is a dirty word, and nuclear power can never advance any farther then three mile island or Chernobyl right? Wrong, looking at just the current state of nuclear technology and now our ability to create chemical based nuclear batteries, that would of been a MUCH more appropriate, IE more bang for your buck especially in regarding to MASS.

in Terra Nova, population control measures even if not being actively enforced equals death for the colony, If the colony is to survive they must expand period and this whole assumption that we must sacrifice their livelihoods for the sake of starting over, is a false paradigm.

The mentioned "killer" of the Earth was not "WE the people", its "They the Elite", Corporate Elite, Political Elite, Financial Elite, them, they are the ones that killed the Earth, which is ironic because it's them that also advocate the "Haves" killing off and/or eliminating the "Have-nots", which is also known as the Malthusian Catastrophe, which is exactly what the depiction of the "future" looks like.

My overall point was, upon seeing what the future looked like, I KNEW what the colony was going to look like, the classic "Eco" looking naturalist society of limited or no technology, because technology is assumed to be evil.

However notice that the Colony dispite it's civilian aspects, is military run, the leader is militaristic and has his enforcers to keep the society in line. and notice that the only people with the guns are guess who.....the enforcers. the disarmed population is at the will of the leadership, make no mistake, and to be honest folks THAT right there is what killed the last Earth, and it make sense that's what would kill the Terra Nova colony in the long run.

Yet of course this reality wouldn't be depicted because that's not what the show is about, it's about the fact that consumerism, technology and the human being itself is over plenty and evil because of it and must be governed (read: ruled) by a forceful militaristic leadership.

like I said, very slick Agenda 21 propaganda, and the story is very compelling. I would of loved to see the series progress further, very good series.


To agentexeider-

That was a very well thought out and very interesting commentary on the show. I hope that Terra Nova is renewed in the future and given a chance to improve on both its science and dystopian/utopian themes. I think that if this show invites this kind of debate, it is worth saving.


I see a flaw in your reasoning.
The weapons the enforcers use, are BB guns! Well it is either that, or the dinosaurs have kevlar skin. Or the enforcers have had special training by the lizards from V.
And this has to be one of the more interesting posts i have read. Thank you for that.
And with interesting, i mean good. In an interesting way.

When i rate a movie not yet shown in my country, will i get arrested, or banned?


Hate to tell you this, sport, but your first remark is completely wrong. Earth of 85 million years ago was indeed oxygen rich. That was the only way such big creatures could exist.
