MovieChat Forums > Terra Nova (2011) Discussion > Are you bloody kidding me?!!

Are you bloody kidding me?!!

So utter garbage like Jersey Shore can have 6 seasons spanning 3 years but a decent show like Terra Nova (which didn't have horrible ratings and was profitable for the network) gets cancelled after just 1 season??! Yes, Terra Nova was no masterpiece and didn't break viewership records but compared to most of the reality crap on TV *cough* Kardashians *cough* surely this wasn't on the top of the list to get pulled. I hope it is picked up by someone else because I think it was an enjoyable-enough show to watch (especially the latter episodes). According to FOX, it was the #1 new drama among men 18-49 and #2 new drama in adults 18-49 and being #2 among adults in its Monday time slot...just doesn't sound like something begging to be cancelled with average viewers of ~7.2mil - not brilliant but hardly cancel-worthy


An episode of Jersey Shore pulls in roughly the same viewing figures as an episode of Terra Nova without spending millions to do it. 48033.html

More importantly Jersey Shore is made by MTV not Fox.

Terra Nova was utter garbage too btw.


Yeah, some but not enough of a return on quite a substantial investment...millions per episode on something (clearly not special effects). Weirdly though, (no idea on its credibility) quotes FOX's entertainment president as saying the show was profitable for them...strange one; not profitable enough maybe? I dunno, it wasn't stunning but like I said, for me it was a decent-enough watch; wouldn't have minded another season


He could have been lying at the time.


Very true; especially coming from an exec on a TV network, we know how..flexible they view the truth..


Terra Nova may have been making some sort of profit but at what cost to Fox's credibility? The show wasn't getting much respect (the term 'laughing stock' does apply) from anywhere, even the fans always mentioned the show's lack of quality before talking about the stuff they did like about it.

Besides, Fox's money is not infinite, if they can get a better return for their buck elsewhere (while at the same time dropping an embarrassment from a primetime slot) then that's where the money goes.


Well, not only could he have been lying, but it was profitable b/c Fox was charging top dollar for commercial space. They couldn't afford to do that with a lukewarm show the second time around.



I'm not sure what network ran Jericho, but this could be a similar situation to that. Jericho had high ratings til the very last episode, but because of it's subject matter being too controversial (American military contractors and mercenaries secretly performing a nuclear bombing of most of the major US cities in order to take power themselves and roll in as the heroes) they cancelled it mid-season.

Controversial in the same way as how the future depicted in Terra Nova is very bleak, and exactly as some of the alarmists among the climate sciences predict. Can't promote that kind of idea, truth or not, especially not in a country based largely upon a philosophy contingent on the world being static, unchanging despite our exploitation of it (That is, endlessly expanding capitalism)... At least they won't do that unless they could make a huge profit off of it.

That would be my theory, at least.


Jericho was ran by Fox as well... they have a knack for doing this. Jericho, Firefly, now Terra Nova.


No. Neither of these shows was "controversial." Controversial means subject to public debate. The only real debate was whether Terra Nova was okay or terrible. And a lot of critics agree that its fatal flaw was its blandness. It's kinda funny to hear this kind of conspiracy theory.

The truth is the public didn't care that much about either of the shows you mentioned. Jericho was a money loser and the creators even acknowledged that CBS (not Fox) did the fans a favor by bringing it back for a short second season to bring some closure. It was initially cancelled after season one.

Firefly was also a money loser on TV. Fans screamed and cried that this was due to Fox's poor promotion, and managed to convince execs there was enough of a fanbase for a movie. The movie did not make money either.

Studios are not nefarious: it is really pretty simple to understand them. Their goal to make good, entertaining shows for a broad range of audiences that will bring in solid profits. They have a fiduciary duty to make profitable decisions, not just to scrape by. All other things being equal, the networks prefer to make great entertainment. But give them a choice between a money loser that not too many people watch and a cheap-to-produce show that rakes in audiences and money, and it's not too hard a choice.

Even still, the networks frequently keep around "prestige" shows that are critical darlings and that generate good publicity. "30 Rock" is a good example. If "Terra Nova" had the kind of cultural impact of a "30 Rock" it would still be here. It just had nothing really going for it except its mediocrity.


Jericho was a CBS show.

The rest of your post is pure conspiracy theory, especially when both the news and entertainment media regularly demonizes military contractors while pushing the man made global warming alarmist agenda despite the science being far from settled, if these were truly controversial ideas then why did the networks green light the shows to begin with? Give me a break. Whatever happened to open debate? I hate how politicized "science" has become thanks to sensationalized documentaries like An Inconvenient Truth and Gasland.

The idea of military contractors bombing major cities to take power is about as far fetched and idiotic as North Korea invading the USA in Red Dawn, but it's not why Jericho was cancelled. The show was cancelled because it was too slow for a network audience and didn't have the ratings.


man made global warming alarmist agenda despite the science being far from settled

Please stop typing forever.
The science is settled. It's done. Give it up.


I just made the same point a few minutes ago on a different thread. The stupid TV Executives are cutting their own throats doing this, because people will stop watching these idiotic 'Reality Shows' eventually, and they will not make any money from them with 'residuals'. So short term gain and long term loss as people turn off their TV's and do something else instead, oh yeah and probably end up cancelling their subscriptions to pay TV as well if all they get for their dollars is rubbish.

... Love keeps her up when she oughta fall down... Mal


This is going to be a problem for TV shows in general, at least until the viewing public gets sick of reality shows that basically recycle the same ideas over and over again. Talk about cliched. Reality TV is not "reality" and is embraced by the networks mostly because the fools that participate are literally willing to work for nothing.


"An episode of Jersey Shore pulls in roughly the same viewing figures as an episode of Terra Nova without spending millions to do it"

What does that tell u about the Brain capacity of the American viewer now a days..... so, so, so much....

I Firmly believe show's like Juicy Fat Shores has made it hard for the rest of the country to drive and I was under the impression that the women in Jersey had big hair and no brains.... Guess it's Men and Women.


"An episode of Jersey Shore pulls in roughly the same viewing figures as an episode of Terra Nova without spending millions to do it"

What does that tell u about the Brain capacity of the American viewer now a days..... so, so, so much....

The answer is in the bit you didn't quote from my post.
Terra Nova was utter garbage too btw.

Jersey Shore may be garbage (I don't really know, I've only seen half an episode of the last season, I didn't hate it, Snooki drinking pickle juice has stayed with me) but it's not lifeless garbage, love it or hate it the show has some vitality (and people do often watch it as a freak show btw). Terra Nova's unpopularity with the average (why just American? Hello from England, TN flopped all over the world) viewer says positive things about our capacity to think rather than just accept whatever shiny but worthless trinkets and hollow messages they throw at us.


Terra Nova was a hell of a lot more entertaining then any so called phoney reality show on what was once a music video channel. But you are right though a whore filled show like jersey shore is cheaper to make because the characters are cheap. To bad Sandy didn't take them out... LOL


"Terra Nova was a hell of a lot more entertaining then any so called phoney reality show"

Sadly if TN didn't have the sci-fi aspect that is exactly what it would have been "a phoney reality show"

This show was doomed from the start, if they had removed the whole family aspect and the cranky teen thing it would have FELT much more realistic also Jim Shannon shouldn't have had to break out of prison, but rather should have had a credible reason to be there, to be part of the team in a sense.

20/20 hind sight I know, still I was sad to see the direction of the show I remember waiting with baited breath for the first episode.


Terra Nova costs millions to put the show on. Kinda makes you wonder where the money went, certainly not FX, or in the writing.


Yeah, I guess that was the biggest problem: for the amount of money shoveled in for every episode it needed to do better. And I do agree with you that some of the 'effects' were laughable...still, I wouldn't have minded another season


The money went into FX, salary, prop and set building, advertising, press kits, writers, so on and so forth. Second season shows would have used much of the same props and would have run at a lower cost. The actors grew into their characters and the story arcs developed rather nicely, leaving enough unanswered easily paving the way for a few more seasons. Stargate Atlantis was expensive at first due to all the FX and the props and sets needed but lots and props were reused as common space/commonly seen features in the episodes.

The show was cancelled because of the need for everyone and their mother who couldn't get past the concept much less the first one or two episodes to hammer the show and the creators, and declaim every last thing they felt was flawed. Everyone is a critic these days and lacks the education. Crying over where did the money go, poor special effects, poor acting, come on people. Watch the whole thing before you open your mouths and prove the stupidity, or just maybe if it wasn't for you, move on to something you actually like. But hey, with all the good shows getting cancelled, you probably can't find anything good to watch and have to come here to bash.

Too many people try to destroy which is easier than creating. Lazy bums.


It is indeed so unfortunate.

I just watched the entire season 1 in one sitting (or actually it was two sittings as I had to sleep a bit:). I cannot belive how this kind of show can be cancelled while lots of more medicore series keep getting more seasons. Is my taste so different from others?

Many shows I've liked got canceled. Just like: kings, twin peaks, deadwood, rome, stargate universe, firefly, Jericho etc... A long and increasing list of good tv series that were ended too soon.

Do most people simply have the attention spawn of a 3 year old or why was this cancelled? The pilot wasn't perfectly paced and maybe the series was a bit too lighthearted at times. Sure it could have benefitted more serious tone overall to underline the harshness of survival, but perhaps the series was going to that direction in season2. Overall it was a very enjoyable series to watch.

What I really loved was the unusual setting. Most shows are so predictable and don't try to walk into unknown territory. It seems that any series that shows some edge or requires a little bit of patience from the viewer gets easily the axe if it doesn't get the perfect ratings right away. Yet stupid sitcoms, predictable prodecurals and dull soap operas just keep going and going. And don't even talk about horrible reality tv.

Cancelation of a grand show such as Terra Nova is a glaring example of what is wrong with television networks.


I agree in full!

Terra Nova was probably one of the very few descent shows in decades.

About reality shows I agree on the most part. there is a saying "Bread and entertainment for the masses".
And all the sad little people that seems to have nothing better to do but bash a good show like Terra Nova is just pathetic it's quite simple really if you don't like then don't watch just change the channel or turn the dumb box off that's what I do!

Some people complain about TN being predictable, In what way exactly? I have NEVER heard or read a good enough answer to that question(if at all),
If anythin TN was very UN-predictable and it was only the first season and not even a full season at that. And I agree with a previous poster here that it may have had political reasons why not? it's been done before in other parts of the world .
The bleak future in Terra Nova IS a very realistic possibility that most likely WILL happen. Just like Jericho Terra Nova was politically incorrect.


It's really hard to predict what will succeed and what wont'. Heroes was on for 4 seasons and I thought that was one of the worst shows I have ever seen. I also caught bits and pieces of V and thought that was pretty amatuer. Firefly was loved and only canceled after 1 year.

My movie review site:


Indeed; movies, like books and music and food...and pretty much everything, is very subjective. Firefly rang a bell for me, so I check IMDb...9.3 rating (very impressive) and it even won an Emmy for God's sake and it still gets cancelled; some decisions even subjectivity can't explain


I've never seen much of Firefly, but I have heard nothing but good things. I thought Terra Nova was decent and it only lasted one year. I thought Fall Skies was terrible and it got a 2nd season.

My movie review site:


Indeed; movies, like books and music and food...and pretty much everything, is very subjective. Firefly rang a bell for me, so I check IMDb...9.3 rating (very impressive) and it even won an Emmy for God's sake and it still gets cancelled; some decisions even subjectivity can't explain

It's real simple. The ratings simply were not there, mostly due to the time slot which put it against Ghost Whisperer IIRC. Fox was in an awful hurry to pull it though.



Are you high?

Good to this being cancelled. It was poorly written, the characters had the depth of a reflecting pool & most of the cast were marginal actors at best. All in all, it wasn't a good show. Better shows have been cancelled with much less a chance for success.

I have to agree with you on the garbage shows you mentioned however. Which is in part why I always make the distinction between TV... REAL TV and (Un-)Reality TV, a.k.a. garbage TV. Reality TV is a lie, garbage, a waste of time, and fodder for people that do not have their own lives. Sadly, the reason reality shows stay on, however, is because people obviously LIKE to watch garbage and/or have WAY too much time on their hands and not enough to do with it. Every time someone tunes into one of those reality TV train wrecks, a brain cell MUST die.


Well fair enough it had its flaws but I just didn't see it as being on the top of the pile of crap that deserves to get cancelled. And then when you look how much reality crap gets approved and re-approved for seasons & years on end it's pathetic. The reality crap it seems to me everybody knows (or the majority at least...hopefully) that it's fake and over-the-top, it's the butt of every comedian's joke and yet for some reason morons still tune in to it! Too much attention in the media is given to brainless, talentless sods and their reality shows if you ask me

"Every time someone tunes into one of those reality TV train wrecks, a brain cell MUST die" - hahaha, my sentiments exactly, well, provided a brain cell actually exists since they switched over to it


I totally agree with btzarevski, All this reality tv is only watched by the masses becuase they cant deal with there own reality and have compleatly destroyed whats left of the last few brain cells.

Meanwhile in the real world where normal people watch programme's like Firefly,
Terra nova and other shows of this type, to escape the reality of day to day life are being unfaily pushed toward, the bainwashing of reality tv becuase its cheep to produce and lts fae it tere are thousonds of braindead and untalented
people, who are willing to jump though hoops for the chance of getting there faces on tv.

I loved to watch Terra Nova, firefly, SGU and all the other shows like them
just becuase of the escape it would bring from the teadium of the day to day reality of our lives.

We have enough reality during the day to deal with so why is it that TV execs feel the need to force some moronic idiots on a so called reality show on us.

Sorry for the rant but the quality of tv programming has disapered over the last few years and thats a sad thing at the end of the day.

Again sorry for the rant.


All this reality tv is only watched by the masses becuase they cant deal with there own reality and have compleatly destroyed whats left of the last few brain cells.

I loved to watch Terra Nova, firefly, SGU and all the other shows like them
just becuase of the escape it would bring from the teadium of the day to day reality of our lives.

You're obviously so much better than the dim-witted reality-loving masses so have you ever considered reading a book to satisfy your sci-fi needs? Sci-fi novels and short stories come in many different flavours, there should be at least one you'd find enjoyable.

Or maybe we could get Jersey Shore's Snooki to dress up like Barbarella? A little crossing over of genres, would be as close to good sci-fi as Terra Nova ever got.



Hi Flosive

Yes I do read a lot of sci-fi novels and not just the graphic kind, one of my favorite authers is steven king and I know a lot of people will shout he only dose horror but, he's also writen a lot of very good sci-fi.

I also read a lot of factual books mostly historical,but even so its nice to sit in front of the tv and watch shows like terranova and SG-U,and for one I dont think I am better than people who watch reality tv,its each to there own but when, I come home in the evening after a day of hearing whats happend on shows like big brother, jordie shore or jersey shore at work or with frends,
I find sci-fi one of the best ways to unwind when I come home at the end of a hard day.

And like I said in the other post its just a way to escape for an hour or 2


Have you tried the Syfy channel? Terra Nova-quality shows all over the place.


Or better.


I do watch the sci-fi channel but like most channels in the uk its 80 percent
repeats and yes I do agree Terra nova was not the best of quality but it was still more enjoyable than any of the so called reality shows on the box.

Now heres somthing for you to try, read some of Isaac Asimov or even
Philip K. Dick's work or if this is to much for you then H.G.Wells or Jules Verne may be a bit easier or would you find Mein Kampf by A.Hitler be more to your liking.


Now heres somthing for you to try, read some of Isaac Asimov or even
Philip K. Dick's work or if this is to much for you then H.G.Wells or Jules Verne may be a bit easier or would you find Mein Kampf by A.Hitler be more to your liking.

You kicked off your first post with a firm look down your nose at other people, people who (in your own words) aren't normal. You attacked the 'braindead masses' because they're too weak to handle their own reality. You then went on to say that the only reason you want more Terra Nova is so that you can escape from your own reality. Hypocrite much? Especially hypocritical considering the stupid, self-serving, simplistic and frequently brutal characters that TN was built around (except when they were dealing with dinosaurs of course, mustn't hurt those).

And now you're talking down to me, no doubt because you think I'm a reality tv watcher who's writing this with my last remaining brain cell, and you're suggesting that I read Mein Kampf. Mein Kampf? Based on your attitude so far I can only assume you're recommending Mein Kampf because you found it to be an enlightening read. I'll pass, thanks.


Addition - Godwin's law proven, the moment someone invokes Hitler any discussion is done, might as well pack up and go home (to read a book perhaps) because nothing of any further value can be written.



I was only agreeing with some of the other posters about Terra Nova, I enjoyed it for what it was no more or no less also I was not the only one to make the same remarks.

Now as for what books to read you kicked that one off and yes I have read Mein
Kampf for research reasons, and would recomend it if your intrested in history
it gives an insight to a persons paraniod spiral into insanty.

As for me wanting more terra nova I would not have minded a second season but thats unlikely and as for being a hypocrite thats your own opinion and I respect that but you need to take a long hard look in the mirror as well as your look at the world is very simplistic and its time to take of the rose tinted glasses that you seem to be looking though.

And as for some of what I said in a previous post each to there own was one of my comments but I will add this TV as a whole is on a downward spiral as there
hardly anything origanal comming out and that includes Terra Nova and SG-U, but I would still rather watch Terra Nova and SG-U than any reality TV show.

Looking at some of your past posts you seem to be pushing for a argument with someone and now you have thrown your dummy/pasifier out of the pushchair you seem a bit lost, and if you ask nicely someone may pick it up for you.



You've read Mein Kampf but don't understand the implications when telling someone it would be to their liking? I don't think so. Or perhaps you just need to learn how to express yourself better? It might help to stop other people from taking a "very simplistic" view of you.

However, it is true that imdb tends to bring out my confrontational side, I should watch out for that.


Hi Flosive

I do understand the implications of reading books like mein kampf and i can
understand your shock at my responce with its referance but as for poeple taking
a "very simplistic" view of me well thats up to them.

Now if IMDB tends to bring out your confrontational side would it not serve
you better not to comment at all, and to exploded over a simple tv show because
someone likes it or not and this brings me back to mein kampf it freedom of what matteral we can watch read and listen to even the warped writings of a mass
muderer like hitler all have a place in todays thinking, its just the way we
interpit it that matters.

Not everyone will agree and not everyone will disagree and this should keep
everything balanced but the world is not a perfect place and never will be, I will however will appologise for the recomendation I made it was not ment to
upset it was ment to show how fiction and fact can sometimes become blurred
into one.



a thick angry Nazi accent when they read Japan70's posts?


Far from it mein FĂĽhrer far from it LOL!!



Am I the only one who hears a thick angry Nazi accent when they read Japan70's posts?

Or Japanese maybe? Maybe the glaring clue I missed is in the name? Could it be that for someone who grew up in Japan the name 'Adolf Hitler' doesn't have the same sting that it does in the West? I ask because I don't know. Perhaps 'Mein Kampf' really was intended as an academic suggestion rather than a "*beep* you, here's my middle finger, you *beep*".


so much anger from you both, but thats not to much of a suprise at the end of the day, and as for my nationality well lets say this several of my past famrly
deid in both world wars for the freedoms we now enjoy, and I to have been in that fight for the freedom of what we can do, but I lost my rose tinted glasses
a long time ago.

So please spare me the infantile anger at something thats way beyond your comprehesion and your own self serving BS, to try and get a rise out of me, you will have to wait for a long time for that to happen, which is very doubtfull
that you ever could anyway.



Infantile anger? Self serving BS? Get a rise out of you? You're on another planet, I'm done.


At last the first thing you have said that actully make any sence as for my spelling well thats my issue and only a wanker like you would point things like that out why dont you and flosive find each other as you both seem to be well matched so you can be superior together.



Flosive and Slam Evil, you two need to borrow a braincell. The guy has been quite cordial with you two and you have been douches to him. I hope you don't act this irrationally in real life because that would certainly be grounds for an ***whooping where I'm from.


Flosive and Slam Evil, you two need to borrow a braincell.

I blame reality tv, very bad for the brain cells apparently.


Now go home and get UR shine box tommy! Lol



I do think Japan70 suggested Mein Kampf as an academic suggestion. The "more to your liking" part is curious, but is probably just a misunderstanding due to cultural differences. @Slam_Evil: Reading or researching it does not make one a Nazi. Also, get off your high horse - how many people on imdb spell correctly or form coherent sentences?


Sci-fi novels and short stories come in many different flavours, there should be at least one you'd find enjoyable.

And when you get bored with drek you can always try science fiction instead of sci-fi.


I'm in complete agreement! I looked forward to the next episode. It was pretty clean, no nasty language, or scenes that are better left behind closed doors.(we all know what goes on behind closed. I don't need to be shown too.)

I'm completely disappointed that Terra Nova was cancelled. However, I think they could have incorporated more scenes on how the citizens of Terra Nova had to establish life without all the amenities of the old earth. And I often got confused on the "others", and why there was strife between them. Although I finally got it by the last 2 episodes of the season.

I guess it just appealed to some of my own childhood tv favorites from the 60's and 70's.


yeah, it's too bad

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What? you expect reasonable TV show cancellation from FOX channel? You are aware it is run by right wing idiots arent you?

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


I totally agree. With all the CIS, Desperate Housewives, any reality show, music reality show, and any other garbage show, do the good shows get canceled(V, The Event, and Tower Prep). You have to trust in the show and just can't cancel it after one season.

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